Airman Speaks at Invictus Games Symposium
Former SAS-soldier inspired by Invictus Games
Eighteen past and present members of the NZ Defence Force are in Florida this week to battle it out for gold at this year’s Invictus Games. Tamati Rimene-Sproat talk...
Openingsceremonie Invictus Games 2016
Zondagavond 8 mei was de openingsceremonie van de Invictus Games 2016. Een prachtige show waarbij de verschillende verhalen van gewondgeraakte militairen volop onder...
Invictus Games - Be The Master Of Your Fate!
David Samadi & Dr. Marc Siegel discuss the Invictus games founded by Prince Harry in 2013. _________________________________________________________________. David S...
Samen knokken op de Invictus Games
Aan de start staan. Dat is bij de Invictus Games al een overwinning op zich. In dit internationale sportevenement voor gewonde (oud-)militairen draait het niet om de...
Prince Harry Wraps His Invictus Games
Four days of inspirational performances in celebration of sportsmanship and heroism have come to an end as the Invictus Games 2016 concluded with a spectacular closi...
[Invictus Games 2016] Nos clins d'oeil
L'édition 2016 des Invictus Games a lieu à Orlando, en Floride (USA) du 8 au 12 mai. Cette année, l'équipe de France militaire compte 30 athlètes qui participent à 8...
Want to compete in the Invictus Games? Start training at VA
The athletes competing for Team USA in the Invictus Games didn’t wake up and decide to compete against other nations. Many have been training for years and have comp...
Rivalry heating up between Brits, US at Invictus Games
A few US athletes weighed in on their rivalry with the team from Great Britain. Watch this video for details. Story:.
Invictus Games 2016 | "Let's show the world what we can do"
Before yesterday's medal excitement our #UKTeam Invictus Games athletes we're training hard to "show the world what we can do". Watch why Sgt Gareth Paterson thinks...
Arrival of the 2016 Invictus Games flag
SSgt August O'Niell delivers the Invictus flag, with the help of PAFB 920th Rescue Wing, at the 2016 Invictus Games Opening Ceremony in Orlando, FL..
Invictus Games opening ceremony highlights
See the sites and sounds from this year's Invictus Games Opening Ceremonies. Watch this video for details. MORE:.
[Invictus Games 2016] Entraînements à Orlando
L'édition 2016 des Invictus Games a lieu à Orlando, en Floride, aux USA, du 8 au 12 mai. Cette compétition sportive internationale, initiée par le prince Harry d'Ang...
Invictus Games Orlando 2016: Giving 100%
In this short film, Invictus UK Team Captain David Wiseman shares with Sage CEO Stephen Kelly how he prepares for big challenges. Sage is a proud sponsor and support...
PM Trudeau delivers a message before the Invictus Games
May 2, 2016. PM Trudeau delivers a message before the Invictus Games.
America Strong: A Look at the Heroes Triumphing at the Invictus Games
The Paralympic-style games, created by Prince Harry, is a competition for wounded warriors and veterans to compete for glory. |--| SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS:.
Heroes Triumphing at the Invictus Games | America Strong
The Paralympic-style games, created by Prince Harry, is a competition for wounded warriors and veterans to compete for glory. SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS:. Make ABC News y...
Invictus Games Toronto 2017 Sizzle Reel
The countdown to the Invictus Games Toronto 2017 has officially begun. The Invictus Games legacy will continue in Toronto, Canada in September 26-30th of 2017. Join...
Le 14 Juillet 2015, le prince Harry, patron de Invictus Games Foundation, a annoncé les 2016 Invictus Games aurait lieu du 8 au 12 mai 2016 à l'ESPN Wide World of Sp...
Die Spiele der Unbesiegten - Invictus Games mit Bundeswehr-Soldaten
Vom 08. Mai 2016 konnten einsatzgeschädigte, verletzte und erkrankte Soldatinnen und Soldaten zeigen was sie sportlich alles leisten können. Bei den Invictus Games 2...
Invictus Games. The Power and the Glory Micky Yule
The amazing video, inspiring and thought provoking story of Micky Yule, Britain's first gold medallist at the 2016 Invictus Games. |--| The lightweight powerlifter s...
Elizabeth Marks dominates swimming at Invictus Games
US swimmer Elizabeth Marks dominated the swimming portion of the Invictus Games in Orlando, Fla. She won the gold in each of the four events in which she swam..
Prince Harry Opens Invictus Games Along with First Lady
Prince Harry and first lady Michelle Obama helped kick off the Invictus Games for wounded veterans with uplifting speeches Sunday night, joining other figures from t...
[Invictus Games 2016] Présentation de l'équipe de France
L'édition 2016 des Invictus Games a lieu à Orlando, en Floride (USA) du 8 au 12 mai. Cette compétition sportive internationale, initiée par le prince Harry d'Anglete...
Prince Harry ready to kick off Invictus Games
Wounded Warriors and active servicemen from around the world have gathered in Orlando, Fla., to compete in the Invictus Games.The games were created by Prince Harry...
Flirty Prince Harry can't keep away from glamorous US soldier at Invictus Games
Flirty Prince Harry can't keep away from glamorous US soldier at Invictus Games - there's just one problem. Prince Harry looks like he's smitten with US soldier Serg...
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