Best Draven NA vs Lucian ADC Ranked Challenger
NJF Duke Fiora vs Maokai TOP Ranked Challenger Korea
NJF Duke Fiora vs Maokai TOP Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 5.16]. League of Legends Gameplay Najin Duke as Fiora 5.16 Season 5. Pro Replay Fiora vs Maokai Top Lane...
LGD Marin Maokai vs Fiora TOP Ranked Challenger Korea
LGD Marin Maokai vs Fiora TOP Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 6.1]. League of Legends Gameplay Marin as Maokai 6.1 Season 6. Pro Replay Maokai vs Fiora Top Lane Match...
2631 : Bjergsen as Zed vs Leblanc Mid - S5 Ranked Challenger Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Kil...
LIKE PARA MAS VÍDEOS SUB COMENTA LIKE PARA MASSS :D. ¡Envíame tus mejores jugadas o "trolleos" imposibles para salir en el canal. si quieres salir en un vídeo de jug...
6481: TheOddOne as Annie vs Swain Mid - S6 Challenger Ranked Gameplay
________________________________________________. Yellow ( Support ) = not counting kills. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) =...
League Of Legends S6 - RF Legendary as Gangplank vs Lee Sin Top - Preseason Challenger Ranked
League Of Legends S6 - RF Legendary as Gangplank vs Lee Sin Top - Preseason Challenger Ranked.
LOL Season 6 - RF Legendary as Ryze vs Malzahar Top - Challenger Ranked Gameplay
LOL Season 6 - RF Legendary as Ryze vs Malzahar Top - Challenger Ranked Gameplay. League Of Legends S6 Gemeplay. Free Download And Play Game:.
6513: IreliaCarriesU as Irelia vs Trundle Top - S6 Challenger Ranked Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Kil...
League Of Legends S6 - Rabia as Garen vs Zed Top - Preseason Challenger Ranked
League Of Legends S6 - Rabia as Garen vs Zed Top - Preseason Challenger Ranked.
SKT T1 Faker Twisted Fate vs Ekko MID Ranked Challenger Korea
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SKT T1 Faker Sona vs Braum Support Ranked Challenger Korea
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4567: Dyrus as Singed vs Fiora Top - S5 Ranked Challenger Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Kil...
Samsung Dade Yasuo vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea
Samsung Dade Yasuo vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.18] League of Legends Gameplay Dade as Yasuo 4.18. Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Yasuo vs Jayce Mid L...
Samsung Dade Yasuo vs Maokai TOP Ranked Challenger Korea
Samsung Dade Yasuo vs Maokai TOP Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.19] League of Legends Gameplay Dade as Yasuo Top Lane. Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Yasuo vs Maokai...
4314: Imaqtpie as Fiora vs Darius Top - S5 Ranked Challenger Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Kil...
4309: Voyboy as Fiora vs Rumble Top - S5 Challenger Ranked Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Kil...
4302: BoxBox as Riven vs Fiora Top - S5 Ranked Challenger Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Ki...
2763: BoxBox as Riven vs Fiora Top - S5 Ranked Challenger Gameplay
________________________________________________. Green(Common) = 0 to 8 Kills. Blue(Rare) = 9 to 13 Kills. Purple(Epic) = 14 to 18 Kills. Orange(Legendary) = 19 Ki...
League Of Legends S6 - Dyrus as Gangplank vs Pantheon Top Challenger Ranked
League Of Legends S6 - Dyrus as Gangplank vs Pantheon Top Challenger Ranked.
League Of Legends S6 - Pobelter as Rammus Jungle vs Lee Sin Challenger Ranked
League Of Legends S6 - Pobelter as Rammus Jungle vs Lee Sin Challenger Ranked.
Valkrin as Kha'Zix Jungle vs Evelynn - LOL Season 6 - Ranked Challenger Gameplay
Valkrin as Kha'Zix Jungle vs Evelynn - LOL Season 6 - Ranked Challenger Gameplay. League Of Legends S6 Gemeplay. Free Download And Play Game:.
Gripex Best Lee Sin EU Jungle Highlights ★ League Of Legends S6 Challenger Ranked
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Binley Draven Montage 2016 - Best Plays Draven 2016 - League of Legends
Please click the "SHOW MORE" for more information music name Thank you !!. Vanze - Forever (feat. Brenton Mattheus) [NCS Release]. Mich - Skyland. Lensko - Sarvagon...
(FR) Partie De League Of Legends en Ranked Wins 2016 Ep 52 Nidalee Challenger Ap Mid
Voilà ma Cinquante-Deuxième vidéo recorde en Ranked Sur League Of Legends. La suivante Game Ranked de 2016. Vidéo de la nouvel Saison Wins. Je Joue la Nidalee Challe...
League Of Legends S6 - Dyrus as Darius vs Gangplank Top - Challenger Ranked Gameplay
League Of Legends S6 - Dyrus as Darius vs Gangplank Top - Challenger Ranked Gameplay.
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