Hearthstone Lore of the Cards Twin Emperor Vek lor
The 10 Best 2-Mana Cards - Hearthstone
Many decks are defined by the 2-mana cards, and getting the right one on curve usually means you're in a good position to win the game. Knowing which 2-mana cards wi...
Most Misplayed Cards In Hearthstone
Misplays happen all the time in Hearthstone. We've taken a look at 4 cards that seem to catch players out the most, and some simple ways you can play them in the fut...
[Hearthstone] Ten Extreme Cards We Won’t See In TGT
A fun look into user created cards that would allow a slow meta to stabilize, and their opposites. The new camera’s audio wasn’t so great however. Card creation site...
[Hearthstone] Bad Cards Do Not Need To Exist
A short revisit on my top suggestion in yesterday’s video on overdue changes in Hearthstone. Site used to create cards:.
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[Hearthstone] How To Play Around OP Cards
The main things you should be thinking about when playing hearthstone. At least in arena. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Bad Cards Are Not Always Useless
A fun demo of a combination of crummy cards in Hearthstone. The specifics: 7/5 creature (bad) + Kings +4/4 (good) + Blessed Champion x2 attack (bad). Rate, comment,...
Top 5 Most Popular Cards In Hearthstone
Starting and ending with legendary's, i present to you the top 5 most popular hearthstone cards. Subscribe NOW.
[Hearthstone] Tavern Brawl #48: Just Two Cards
Review & gameplay of what many are now considering the best Tavern Brawl ever: Top 2. |--| Get Awesome Games.
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl 2 Cards
Another two card game. And quick surrender doesn't want to play twice in a row..
[Hearthstone] Tavern Brawl 2 cards
Thanks guys for watching and I hope to see you in the next one.
The 10 Best Legendary Cards to Craft - Hearthstone
Now that you've saved up enough arcane dust to craft a legendary, you have to decide which one you want. Follow the advice in this video to make your decks stronger...
[Hearthstone] A Review of My Favorite HS Cards
The cooler, but common, cards of the bunch. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
Get the Cards You Want - Hearthstone Crafting Guide
Here is a bunch of tips on how to craft most effiecently:. 1) Know what cards you want to craft really badly. Sometimes it is best to wait to craft anything until yo...
The 5 Most Underrated Legendary Cards - Hearthstone
These 5 cards deserve a closer look, so don't hit that disenchant button just yet. Feature | Hearthstone | The 5 Most Underrated Legendary Cards.
Hearthstone: What cards to Craft, Keep, and Disenchant
This video shows what cards I believe are the staples in most decks. If you enjoyed then leave a like, comment, or subscribe. BattleTag: NightLock.
The 10 Best Epic Cards to Craft - Hearthstone
Everyone wants to craft a shiny new legendary, but sometimes you can assemble a stronger collection by crafting a handful of epic cards instead. Follow the advice in...
Opening 40 Packs of Cards in Hearthstone
For my birthday, a friend bought me 40 packs of cards. Having never spent a dime on Hearthstone, and couple that with the fact that I'm awful, it makes for a fun and...
Top Ten Cards To Craft For New Players - Hearthstone
This week, Spacewizard lists his top ten cards for new players to craft FIRST when they start playing Hearthstone. Check out Hearthhead for more Hearthstone content....
Hearthstone: Top 10 Worst Legendary Cards
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Rob and Tony go over what we think are the 10 WORST Legendary cards in Hearthstone at the moment. Subscribe to INN Gaming today. Check out our des...
[Hearthstone] The Best User Created Cards!
Review of the coolest and highest rated user created cards ever made by Hearthstone’s community. Card gallery:.
Top Ten Hearthstone - The Grand Tournament Cards
Check out the best cards coming to Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament. Join the community at.
Hearthstone's 5 Most Powerful New Cards - IGN Plays
Our picks for the all-around best cards from Hearthstone's new Blackrock Mountain adventure. Subscribe to IGN Plays for more.
[Hearthstone] Top 3 Most Misused Arena Cards
Cards that give me free wins because my opponents have no idea how to use them. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Kripp Reviews 64 GvG Cards!
A review of all the remaining GvG cards -- all announced yesterday. My longest video ever, and all in ONE take. |--| My other GvG card reviews:. No More Well Met :(.
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