Hearthstone Tournament Totem Trouble Part 1 Shaman Constructed
Hearthstone: Evolved Shaman (Shaman Standard)
····················································································. 01:14 - vs Midrange Shaman. 05:59 - vs Pirate Rogue. 10:42 - vs Freeze Mage....
Hearthstone: Shaman Is Back! (Aggro Shaman)
Shaman has always been widely considered to be the weakest class in Hearthstone. That is, until the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion was released. The new expansio...
Hearthstone: Tawern Brawl: Shaman Bananas (Week 2 - part 1)
The second Tawern Brawl is online. It's all about (deviate, rotten, big and normal) bananas. My first deck I made in the first few hours after the start was a shaman...
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 137 - Part 1: Impocalypse (Shaman Arena)
(discount code "trump" to get 3% off). ····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone sou...
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 116 - Part 1: Dust Devil Value (Shaman Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 272 - Dragon Synergy - Part 1 (Shaman Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
[Hearthstone] Trolltongue Totem
Showcasing a very deceptive card. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
Hearthstone | Totem Sámán
Totemesen változtatom meg a meccset :D értitek a viccet. League of Legends:. EUNE IGN:xsunshinexx. EUWEST IGN:FireofAress. Facebook:.
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 1 (Expansion)
····················································································. 02:03 - Lowly Squire. 03:35 - Garrison Commander. 06:00 - Silver Hand Regent....
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 9 (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:27 - Arcane Blast (Mage). 01:44 - Bear Trap (Hunter). 04:43 - Bolf Ramshie...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 8 (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:23 - Lance Bearer. 02:33 - Cutpurse (Rogue). 04:41 - Light's Champion. 06:...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 7 (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:03 - Living Roots (Druid). 02:55 - Flash Heal (Priest). 08:21 - Alextrasza...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 5 (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:04 - Injured Kvaldir. 00:42 - Brave Hunter (Hunter). 01:40 - Druid of the...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 4 (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:13 - Argent Watchman. 02:00 - Spellslinger (Mage). 04:44 - Demonfuse (Warl...
[Hearthstone] Challenge #1 Paladin 100 in 10 Arena #3 Part 2: Playing Constructed Arena
To compete in the 100 in 10 Arena Challenge, the challenger must win 100 games in 10 Arena runs. Amaz continues his 14th 100 in 10 challenge with a legendary Paladin...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 6 - JOUSTING (Expansion)
····················································································. 05:23 - Gadgetzan Jouster. 08:18 - Argent Lance (Paladin). 09:54 - Armored Wa...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 10 - ALL REMAINING CARDS (Expansion)
····················································································. 00:08 - Twilight Guardian. 00:56 - Undercity Valiant (Rogue). 01:57 - Wildwal...
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 12 - 132 Cards in 1 Hour (Expansion)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from Kevin MacLeod.
Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review - Part 11 - Trump Changes Cards (Expansion)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from Kevin MacLeod.
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 244 - Trump Hides in the Mist - Part 1 (Shaman Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 161 - Part 1: Abusive Trump (Shaman Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 152 - Part 1: Trump Casts Wooden Sticks for 2 Mana (Shaman Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
Hearthstone constructed: New mage - 100% less Pyro, 100% more P2W
Some games of Hearthstone constructed featuring Trump's new mage deck. The title and references made in the video about p2w are referencing the fact that this deck p...
Hearthstone: Becoming the Scum (Hunter Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 11. ····················································································. 02:14 - Freeze Mage. 07:25 - Control Paladin. 14:17 -...
[Hearthstone] Constructed Combo Bullcrap
Malfurion loves his trees. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
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