SavoryKurt - MOST BROKEN CHAMP IN URF? - Syndra League of Legends
| SavoryKurt plays with OP Balls and Syndra on URF.
FIZZ IS TOTALLY BROKEN: Season 6 League Of Legends
Long time no fish. Good to have him back. For runes and masteries contact me on twitter. ● Twitter:.
VLADIMIR REWORK IS BROKEN - Jungle Gameplay | League of Legends
Jungle Vladimir, I can't believe it worked. I don't think I could ever do this with the live vladimir. ⇒ MALZAHAR REWORK:.
New Broken FIDDLESTICKS MID | Full Commentary | League of Legends | 6.9 Patch
New broken Fiddlesticks with full commentary and from patch 6.9. This was part of the mage update and now when he stands still you get a movement speed boost and his...
Protobelt Diana URF is Broken - League of Legends U.R.F. Mode 2016
I am Dookey Lukey, and this is just a gameplay video of Diana in URF mode for League of Legends. Diana is amazing in this game type, and the new item Hextech Protobe...
VAYNE BROKEN ( RAGEBLADE ) - League of legends ( cole i neca )
Ako vam se svideo klip ostavite like share sub :D. Uzivaj te. instagram profile -.
[League of Legends] On Hit Twisted Fate Is So Broken! - Patch 6.9 - Planet Blade
Check this amazing build on tf: just 3 items and wow he deals sooo much damage. Enjoy the video and share it with your friends. THANKS FOR WATCHING. Don't forget to...
Test Zyra support sur League of Legends - rework patch 6.9. Perso le plus broken du patch 6.9 imo. - Si t'aimes bien ce que je fais, hésite pas à me le faire savoir...
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS [Deu] - NAUTILUS [Support] ☕ Lets Play League of Legends | Doky
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS [Deu] - NAUTILUS [Support] ☕ Lets Play League of Legends | Doky. ###Mit dabei###. ###League of Legends###.
Lee Sin Support - League of Legends
Lets try something diffrent Lee Sin Support. Some Links :. (Livestreaming). Twitch.tv :.
league of legends Support P. 2
Otra partidita con los amigos y como no yo jugando de support.
Soy "Support" | League Of Legends #5
Sporty - o - Let Me Hit It ( Audiostalkers Original Mix):.
Support FTW! League of legends!
Like, Comment and subscribe. League of legends. support montage #2.
Gameplay Zyra supp patch 6.9 sur League of legends. - Si t'aimes bien ce que je fais, hésite pas à me le faire savoir en t'abonnant et en lâchant un pouce bleu fréro...
League Epics - Jinx Support (League of Legends)
League Epics featuring Thresh, Bard, and Jinx. |--| Submit your clips here:.
League of LAAAAGGGG - League of Legends Thresh Support
I Do not own the rights to the song. Thank you for watching the video Post in the comments of who you want to see me play next. Leave a like if you enjoyed the video...
League Of Legends | League Of Support | Ep 5 | I'm A Beatiful Mermaid
Các bạn nhớ like và subscribe giúp mình nhé :). Cảm ơn các bạn rất nhiều !. |--| League Of Legends | League Of Support | Ep 5 | I'm A Beatiful Mermaid. music: Spectr...
League Of Legends: Amumu Support
Subscribe if you enjoy!. And give some thumbs up!!. |--| I will commentate some games in my next upload. So stay Tuned!!!.
League of Legends(Aurelion Sol support)
Fuk me for this this i hate my life but i hope you like. sub for more video and. i'll see you in the next one.
Janna Support S6 | League Of Legends
Janna support S6. Please Like--. --Comment--. --Subscribe--.
League of Legends : adc + support = Zilsta #12
League of Legends : adc + support = Zilsta #12. Music by Killercats - Kaibu [NCS Release]. url :.
League Of Legends - Morgana Support
What is going on guys it is TheRandomAuzzie here and today I'm playing League Of Legends as Morgana Support in the bot lane ( with commentary ) hope you guys enjoy t...
League of legends , Ranked, Support
League stream Support role mostly morgana / Thresh/ lulu ..
Leona Support League of legends
Mała wskazówka jak Zagrać fajnie leona gdy mamy dobrego adc. |--| Zapraszam również na stream www.Twich.tv/Monki94.
Brand Support III - League of Legends
Playing Brand support with Jinx. This was before patch 6.9. Music: Ellie Goulding - Burn.
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