League of Legends Ziggs mid Buffs commentary
OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST BUFFS & NERFS - Patch 6.4 - League of Legends
First episode of a new series, going over NERFS/BUFFS & Potential OP Champs In Patch 6.4. "Like" if you want more. |--| →Video made with help from Proguides:.
NEW OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST NERFS & BUFFS - Patch 6.10 - League of Legends
Going Over Biggest NERFS/BUFFS & Potential OP Champs In Patch 6.10. "Like" if you want more. |--| →Video made with help from Proguides:.
ZIGGS - TROLLEANDO AMIGOS XD - gameplay League of Legends by Chubacan
Sígueme en mis hermosas redes sociales y entérate de todo :3.
League of Legends-Atualizações Patch 6.10-Buffs e Nerfs e Muito Mais!
INSCREVA-SE. Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos. ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ PARCEIROS ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁. Legends Br :.
League of Legends. Destroyed a team with Baron and Elder Dragon buffs
Almost had baron, but we got ambushed, they got Epic Dragon after, multiplying all their buff effects by 2. Somehow, we killed them. LB was salty af..
Redmercy | NEW OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST NERFS & BUFFS - Patch 6.10 - League of Legends
Redmercy,redmercy zed,redmercy kindred,redmercy zed montage,redmercy yasuo,redmercy did you know,redmercy zed build,redmercy fiora,redmercy ekko,redmercy project yi,...
League of legends - Season 6: Patch 6.11 Review/Rundown (Buffs and Nerfs for 6.11)
Lets Hit 15 LIKES For my patch 6.11 rundown, I will be making these videos for every new patch that comes out. Hopefully You Guys Enjoyed The Video and personally yo...
Ziggs Mid - Full League of Legends Gameplay [German] Let's Play LoL - Ranked #242
Ziggs vs Azir Mid Lane S6. League of Legends Season 6 Ranked Game im Solo queue. Full LoL gameplay/guide mit Kommentar auf deutsch/german. Ziggs - Der Hexplosions-Ex...
Greyfawkes - Stream Highlights #40 - ZIGGS BOMB BEATS - League Of Legends (LOL)
In todays GREYFAWKES League of legends Highlights The GG button is back and the STFU makes its debut. Also I have figured out that Ziggs is broken af, seriously he i...
League Of Legends | BRAUM | Support | Poncho el amigo de los Poros y el Flash Pro Ziggs |
Hola Chavales os dejo con una partida del Tito Braum espero que os guste, si es así dejar un like y si os gusta el League of Legends suscribirse al canal. -Seguirme...
Test ZIGGS REWORK PATCH 6.9 - La bonne prise de Tour - League of legends
Gameplay League of Legends - Ziggs Patch 6.9 - Rework. - Si t'aimes bien ce que je fais, hésite pas à me le faire savoir en t'abonnant et en lâchant un pouce bleu fr...
Level 5 Doom Bots: Ziggs' Bombs, and the Garen Death Bush | League of Legends LoL PBE
Send any questions to me via YouTube PM. Thumbnail Source:.
BoxBox as Leblanc vs Ziggs Mid | League Of Legends Leblanc Guide Full Gameplay
BoxBox as Leblanc vs Ziggs Mid | League Of Legends Leblanc Guide Full Gameplay. Lol pro players, lol s6 gameplay, lol s6 guide, lol s6 build,.
League of Legends - Thresh commentary
Trying to do first-time live commentary so don't be too harsh on me please. Still learning. I forgot to put in runes and masteries so it is:. Masteries: 0-12-18 (I p...
League of Legends commentary (darius)
First vid so comment your opinion and subscribe if you enjoyed.
Malzahar U.R.F | League of Legends Commentary
Patch 6.10 with Malzahar on URF. I had too see how ridiculously crazy it was. Subscribe for more videos.
League of Legends Malphite URF Commentary
I really wanted to try out AP Malphite and this was a great opportunity to do so. Subscribe for more videos.
League of Legends PROJECT: Zed Mid Gameplay Commentary
Shadows V.2. Leave a like, favorite, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and want more. Stay tuned. Intro: www.youtube.
League Of Legends Commentary: Trundle in the Jungle
Note this is an na(north america) sign up so if your on another server just go on the league of legends website and sign up to your designated server..
League of Legends: Yasuo Mid Gameplay/Commentary
This is commentary gameplay of me playing Yasuo mid lane..
I problemi di League of Legends! (Live commentary)
Scusate per qualche errore grammaticale (in verità non so manco se l'ho fatti o meno). Era doveroso fare un video di questo tipo perchè LoL viene letteralmente inqui...
League of Legends Jinx ADC LS runes (commentary)
Just playin Jinx with ls runes instead of attk speed, showing a bit of the different..
Fizz Urf Gameplay - League of Legends (No commentary)
Hope you enjoy please leave a like and subscribe!!!.
Malzahar Urf Gameplay - League of Legends (No commentary)
Hope you enjoy please leave a like and subscribe!.
League of Legends- Taliyah Top Commentary [GERMAN]
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
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