Let s Play THE SIMS 4 Legacy Challenge Part 1 Chocolate Princess
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- A Day Off [Part 9]
Today both Imogen and Shelby have a day off. With the baby coming, Imogen's stress levels are high. Can Shelby help or will he hurt. My Twitter:.
Hello. Welcome to the legacy challenge. Rules:. You can't use any money cheat. |--| You can't get a job. |--| You must start with only 1000 simoleons. Thank you so s...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- REALLY?! [Part 6]
Today we start the lega- Wait, he's a what. I am not- No. My Twitter:.
Let's Play The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Ep. 1
Hey everyone. This is my experimental Sims 3 Legacy Let's Play, experimental because I'll be fine tuning my stream and game settings as well as my methods of recordi...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge | Part 1 - New Beginnings
Today I embark on a new adventure in the sims 4. If you enjoyed, please remember to click that like & subscribe button. ♥ WHERE TO FIND ME. Twitter:.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge | Part 35 - FINALE
SEASON FINALE!!. |--| If you'd like to read the rules or do this challenge yourself, information can be found here:.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge | Part 4: ENGAGED!!
FAQ ♡:. How old are you?:. I am 20 years old. What do you use to record?:. Fraps and Action. Where do you get your Sims 3 and 4 Custom Content. |--| Usually the Sims...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge | Part 3 - Engaged!?!♡
♡open me♡. in this episode we got Daisy and David engaged!♡. If you would like to do this challenge or read the rules information can be found here-.
The Sims 4| Legacy Challenge|Part One|You Have To Start Somewhere
Hey everyone!. This is the legacy challenge and I am very excited to film this and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do. This part is just my founder sim getti...
The Sims 3: Legacy Challenge (Part 5) | WE HAVE A HOUSE!
♦ FAQ. ♡ Can you upload this sim/house. |--| If it's my current household sims, I'm afraid not - simply because they're very personal to me. LP sims will be availabl...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- Getting Flirty [Part 5]
Today Imogen invites a man over from work, and we take a day off. |--| Leave me YOUR opinions on the men we have met and who you think we should start our legacy wit...
The Sims 4 : Legacy Challenge | Part 7 - Friendship
If you are interested in reading the rules of The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge, the information can be found here :.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge |Sim Self | Part 12 | I'M DEAD!!!
Origin ID: Ames28simsfreak. Use #simmerfreak28 to download my content from the sims 4 gallery. Please check include custom content to view all of my creations :). Bu...
The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge [Part Thirty One] Getting Old
Welcome to the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge. Follow along with Ember Callahan as she returns to Oasis Springs and settles down to have a family and reclaim her families l...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- Welcome to the Family [Part 7]
Today Imogen gets a makeover. We also have someone joining the family. My Twitter:.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- A New Start [Part 8]
Today, we all go to work, and I get increasingly more frustrated with my computer. My Twitter:.
The Legacy Challenge|The Sims 4|Part 6|Engaged!
In this party Zara and Jared get engaged. I love filming and uploading for you guys and I cant thank you enough for watching my videos. I really hope you are all lik...
THE SIMS 4 LEGACY CHALLENGE! | A New Beginning! Part 1
Let's do this blitches. LINKS!. |--| The AnnaK.Banana Show YouTube Channel-.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge | Part 34 - NEXT HEIR
If you'd like to read the rules or do this challenge yourself, information can be found here:.
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge - PART 13 - ДВОЙНЯ?!
The Sims 4 | Legacy Challenge | Part 13 - "We're gonna get married"
Hey guys,. this is the first generation of the Legacy Challenge and we are playing with Amelia and Milo right now. Succession Laws I use:. - Gender Law: Strict Matri...
The Sims 4| Disney Legacy Challenge: Part 6-Baby #1
Snow White and Trace John add a new addition to the family!.
The Sims 4 | Oakley Legacy Challenge | Part 16 PARTAYY
We FINALLY get a new house for our growing family and the first thing we do is throw Chandler a birthday party. |--| *Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share, and Subsc...
RiverSimsNZ :: Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Gen 1, Part 10: Moving Out
Meet our founder, Selena Middleton. |--| She is a self-assured, family oriented foodie with the aspiration to become a chef. I'm not playing strict rules for this ch...
The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge- Starting from the Bottom [Part 1]
After the mysterious disappearance of her father and sister and years of searching, will Imogen Gray be able to settle down and start the life she wants to have. Wil...
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