Cursed hit #1 legend on EU the 2nd day of the season with this deck from Xixo. This is an hybrid shaman, and is an absolute blast to play. It's maybe the best deck i...
Hearthstone ASMR: - Standard Rogue - Bring out yer dead!
If you like what you hear be sure to like, and subscribe. If you have any specific requests I'll do what I can to fulfill it :). Twitter:.
No-Minion Thief Priest [Standard] - Decksperiment - Hearthstone
The hypothesis: Priest has countless ways to take their opponent's cards, which means you don't even need minions in your deck to win games. The result: TBD. Decklis...
Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods: Revamped Standard Control Warrior!
The new Hearthstone Expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, has revitalized my love for the game. I've been playing my Warrior a ton lately, getting closer and closer t...
Frodan on the Hearthstone Community Response to Standard and Wild formats
Dan "Frodan" Chou joins Travis Gafford in the Yahoo Esports studio to discuss format changes happening in Hearthstone, the community response and an outlook at Heart...
Tempo Warrior by Sjow [Standard] - Deck Spotlight - Hearthstone
Sjow piloted this deck to the top spots on the Legend ladder in both North America and Europe simultaneously. Decklist:.
Hearthstone ITA: Armor Mage (STANDARD MODE) - [Guida al Deck]
▶ Battletag: BlackEdo#2701. ▶ Un sentito ringraziamento ad NCS per la musica utilizzata. ▶ Segui la pagina FACEBOOK:.
Deck Guerrier Le retour du patron Hearthstone Standard Kraken
Deck Guerrier Le retour du patron Hearthstone Standard Kraken.
Chakki's Zoo Warlock - Dreamhack Austin 2016 - Hearthstone (Standard)
Un mazo clásico que no pasa de moda, incluso ahora esta mas op xD. Link al mazo:.
Hearthstone Old Gods Pirate Warrior Aggro Deck [Standard]
Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods - Pirate Warrior Aggro Deck feat Pro Players Kolento, Strifecro, Xixo [Standard Mode] Deck Review. • Like, Comment, And Subscrib...
Hearthstone Old Gods N'Zoth Paladin Control Deck [Standard]
Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods - N'Zoth Paladin Control Deck feat Pro Players Strifecro, Kolento, Savjz [Standard Mode] Deck Review. • Like, Comment, And Subsc...
Hearthstone : Mage tempo contre Zetalot (format standard)
Pendant un petit stream improvisé sur ma chaîne perso je tombe contre Zetalot, très certainement le meilleur joueur prêtre du monde. C'était un honneur de jouer cont...
Deck Fun Démoniste Parjurer les ténèbres Standard Hearthstone saison 26
Présentation d'un Deck. Ici on parle d'un deck FUN donc il n'est pas conseillé pour faire du ladder..
Mortal Zoo Warlock by Firebat [Standard] - Deck Spotlight - Hearthstone
Zoo is best when it includes tech card answers to the current meta, and that's exactly what this list does. Decklist:. Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Mortal Zoo Warl...
Le top 10 decks meilleurs decks en mode standard pour passer légende sur Hearthstone. Saison de Juin 2016. Abonnez-vous :.
[WoToG] Tempo Mage - Un rato en stream =) - Hearthstone (Standard)
Un mazo bastante entretenido, con partidas de una media decente de tiempo de duración como para buscar las 500 victorias con mago =). Watch live at.
Hearthstone - Tavern Brawl: TWO CARD DECKS! (Incredible Brawl)
I'm Rage. I make funny things, I make useful things and I end up in many improbable situations. If you've got this far in the description you are an intrepid explore...
Hearthstone (Old Gods): C'Thun Warrior - Rooster Plays... [Standard Season 26]
In this episode:. The new slowest of the slow control decks, in two exciting mirror matches. (ResidentSleeper). 00:25 vs. N'Zoth Warrior. 28:08 vs. C'Thun Warrior. I...
Reno Control Mage by Strifecro [Standard] - Deck Spotlight - Hearthstone
Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Reno Control Mage by Strifecro.
[Hearthstone] N'Zoth Priest #1: Encountering Wild Players on Standard Ladder
Had some good success with Priest lately and thought I`d share it with you. |--| Hope you enjoy it,. all the best. www.twitch.tv/chrokon.
Playing Standard and Opening Packs 27th April -WotOG -Hearthstone✔
This was recorded 12hrs after the WotOG release on the 27th April. |--| In this video I play a few standard constructed games with a deck Blood Warriors deck and I o...
Greek Hearthstone S03E02 (Standard Ladder Tempo Mage ) 1080p
Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο έχουμε ένα (σχετικά φτηνό) και εύκολο deck για ladder σε standard mode..
Hearthstone Choose One Beast Druid S26 (Druida de Feras e Escolha Um) Standard #492
Hearthstone Deck Choose One Beast Druid S26 (Druida de Feras e Escolha Um) Standard Ranked (Padrão) #492. Neste vídeo de Hearthstone eu jogo 3 partidas de ranked com...
Crazy Gods Shaman by TidesofTime [Standard] - Deck Spotlight - Hearthstone
This is not the way you're supposed to play Shaman, but it works. Decklist:. Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Crazy Gods Shaman by TidesofTime.
Old Gods Budget Aggro Rogue [Standard] - Deck Guide - Hearthstone
Trying to build a competitive Rogue deck on a budget. You're in luck. This Old Gods list is a great deck for new and growing players, and it only takes 600 arcane du...
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