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Titanfall Angry Review
Angry Joe & Other Joe battle each other with Titans in this review of Respawn Entertainments newest FPS, Titanfall!.
LG G3 Circle Case Review in 4K!
Check out the brand new Quick Circle Case for the new LG G3 in White. This is a flip cover style case with a twist. Watch to find out if it is the case for you. Also...
Halo 4 Review - IGN Reviews
Master Chief is back for another tour of duty, this time with 343 industries handling the development duties. So does Halo 4 live up to the series' "legendary" reput...
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 1
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 1 -- Watch live at.
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 2
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 2 -- Watch live at.
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 3
MSI Playoffs VOD Review: SKT vs RNG Game 3 -- Watch live at.
DOOM Review of the PC Performance while testing on single player gameplay on my two PC's. Testing was done on a GTX 980 Ti at 1440, 4K & Ultrawide. Second System wit...
Diana vs Heimerdinger Mid - LOL:REVIEW
Heimerdinger một vị tướng dồn đường đẩy trụ khá là khó chịu với những ụ súng của hắn, các bạn có thấy rằng rất dễ ức chế khi phải vừa lo canh farm creep vừa phá ụ sú...
Spy Fox in: Dry Cereal - PC Game Review
Today we're taking a look at Spy Fox in: Dry Cereal, one of several games in the Spy Fox series by Humongous Entertainment. What makes this such a charming children'...
Metro: Last Light - Review
Publisher: Deep Silver. Developer: 4A Games. Release Date: May 14, 2013. Genre: First-Person Shooter. Platforms: PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360. ESRB Content Rat...
Form 1+ SLA 3d printer // Review
I got the chance to check out the Form 1+ SLA 3d printer from Formlabs and R2-D2 was involved. |--| Subscribe to my channel:.
The Witcher 3 Angry Review
Witcher Joe of Rivia takes a look at the final chapter in Geralts Story. How does this RPG stack up. Find out. |--| *Please Note* This particular Review is on a game...
Godzilla (PS4) Angry Review
JoeJaguar & GodzillaJoe take part in an Epic Battle to Review Godzilla The Video Game. Find out just how bad this travesty is for non-fans and fans alike. Expect mor...
Deadpool Angry Review
Flubbed Nolan North with Nathan Drake. Sry Nolan =(. YOU ROCK!!. |--| For More Visit My Site.
ArcheAge Review, Best MMORPG Ever?
I think this is one of the better mmos ever made and you will have to watch to find out why..
MMO Grinder: ArcheAge review
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. What happens if you combine Eve Online with a fantasy setting. Well, someone wanted that questioned answered, because here comes...
MMO Grinder: Onigiri review
SUPAH KAWAII. Chaos takes on the latest fare from Japanese developer, "Cyberstep" in their latest action RPG, Onigiri. You'll uguu. You'll sugoi. You'll cringe as Ch...
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Uncharted 4 review, gaming C
Hey guys, here is my review for Uncharted 4. Did it live up to all the hype. Be sure to like and comment for more, right here on Marc-e-b's Gaming C!.
Battlefield Hardline - Review
In Battlefield: Hardline, Visceral Games tailors the series’ distinct vehicular-based multiplayer for the crime-ridden streets of Miami and L.A. with mostly positive...
Elite: Dangerous Review
Elite: Dangerous puts you in some amazing spaceships, but doesn't always give you a lot to do with them..
Elite: Dangerous Review
This one has been a long time coming and I had to do it because I've been looking forward to it ever since it's announcement. I tend to play as a bounty hunter so co...
Nvidia Shield Review!
Offer Code: Austin8. My review / gameplay of the Nvidia Shield. Is it for you. The Nvidia Shield is an interesting handheld gaming device. It runs Android 4.2 with t...
Samsung Galaxy S4 Review
It's the phone that needs no introduction - but it does need a thorough review. Josh is here with one of the most anticipated releases of the year - the Samsung Gala...
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