Rayman Legends DC Land speed 24 4 2016 in 13 86 WRS
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-05-08: 9s60
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-05-08: 9s60. I wanted sub 9.70 video cause i didn't think i would have beaten my ghost (9s63), but i beat it. (and maybe agai...
Rayman Legends - Ekstremalne Wyzwanie Dnia (03/05/2016) w 11''88.
PL : Wyzwanie z kilkoma trudnymi trikami. Uzyskałem naprawdę fajny wynik, ale można go jeszcze poprawić. |--| ENG : The challenge with some difficult tricks. I got a...
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-04-22: 15s29
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-04-22: 15s29 (ghost of 15s23). My ghost failed the first bumper by 1-2 frames but he has a very fast climb i was not able to...
Rayman Legends - Ekstremalne Wyzwanie Dnia (28/05/2016) w 12''18.
PL : To było naprawdę trudne wyzwanie. Nie dość, że miało trudne triki do wykonania, to jeszcze miało elementy przypadkowe. Cieszę się, że udało mi się osiągnąć ten...
Rayman Legends - Wyzwanie Dnia (29/05/2016) w 07''30 (co-op) i (solo).
PL : Poza niebieską łapą było to dość proste wyzwanie. Udało mi się uzyskać ten sam wynik w biegu solo i co-op. W sumie co-op nie nic mi nie dał w tym wyzwaniu, ale...
Rayman legends, daily extreme challenge of 2016-05-07: 11s74
Happy with this time. First complete with all tricks but it's very hard to get a complete here. |--| And getting flop instant + gp instant at the end = very hard / r...
Rayman Legends (PS3) Dojo - 14.18 (solo) (Daily Challenge 22/5/2016)
Just a reminder to everyone - I have been keeping track of best times for each dojo room. Feel free to share the link (below). At the moment, Jones is doing an incre...
Rayman Legends - Daily Extreme Challenge 03/05/2016 (Gold Cup/Diamond Cup)
Rayman Legends. Daily Extreme Challenge 03/05/2016. Gold Cup/Diamond Cup. A little tricky pit. I did here better than I expected anyway. Sub is possible. For me, rat...
Rayman Legends (Xbox One) The Dojo: Solo: 624 / Solo/Coop: 726 (D.C) (08/05/2016)
Solo: 624. Solo/Coop: 726 Using 3 Controllers. Since I really had fun on this dojo I thought I'd give this one a good little go on doing a solo and solo/coop run. Ho...
Archeage CLOSED BETA tips and tricks for land grab SPEED RUN
Archeage CLOSED BETA tips and tricks for land grab SPEED RUN.
Rayman Legends - 20.53 - W.E.C. 04/05/16
Look what I forgot to upload. A nice run all I can say. My PB on ps3 is weirdly 20.53 too.
Rayman Legends,Different Challenges
Tower speed belongs to 2 weeks ago but others are all new. |--| I like this runs so I share it. SHAREfactory™.
Rayman Legends #01 - Era uma vez... - Gameplay [PS4]
Rayman Legends é o mais recente título do famoso mascote da Ubisoft. Com vesões para PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita,. PS4 e Xbox One. O jogo conta com mais mais f...
Rayman legends dojo 21"78 wc 5/23 -5/30
This run is far from perfect but i've never been good at dojos so im happy with this. |--| PB:21"48.
Rayman Legends Прохождение #9
Rayman Legends Прохождение #9. И Помните. Чем Больше Лайков, Тем Ближе Следующая Серия. |--| Жмякни здесь, чтобы подписаться.
Rayman Legends #1 [PT-BR] Ao Vivo
PSN: fmaltarolli. Por enquanto estou fazendo pelo ps4, se você tiver um também e quiser participar seja bem vindo..
Rayman Legends - Part 3: Bam-Ba-Lam!
Welcome to Part 3 of Rayman Legends, live from Momocon 2016. Woah, Black Betty. Ryan: Player 1. Ted: Player 2. John: Player 3. Lewis: Player 4. We have a Twitter.
Rayman Legends,WR,Daily Pit Lums
Really Perfect Run Here Which Makes Me Super Proud. |--| Since Uncharted 4 Is Officially Out,This Will Be My Last Video Of Rayman For Some Time. |--| I Will Upload U...
[Let's Play] Rayman Legends (Épisode 12) [Fr]
Nous allons enfin terminer le monde de "20 000 lums sous les mers" mais ce ne sera pas sans mes morts toujours aussi nombreuse. _____________________________________...
Rayman Legends-D.C-17"33-Pit Lums-(XBOX ONE) 4/5/16
Music: [Chillout] - Varien - Sacred Woods (feat. Skyelle). Thanks To Curtis for The Awesome Strat.
Rayman legends 1-5 Quicksand invaded 29:04 & 28:99
Woooo i finally did it. this took me way longer than i expected and just got the sub. I'm the 5th to sub btw. I included the first run just because I't was so close...
[Let's Play] Rayman Legends (Épisode 10) [Fr]
Nous retournons dans les profondeurs pour découvrir de nouveau niveau dans ce Rayman Legends. |--| ________________________________________________________________....
Rayman Legends Fast Distance
I was bored. Matches the rhythm way better than I thought it would. Music: Night of Nights (Flowering Nights Remix) from Touhou Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
[Let's Play] Rayman Legends (Épisode 8) [Fr]
Nous terminons ensemble le troisième monde qui nous réserve pleins de belles surprises. Saurez-vous reconnaître la référence du niveau musical. _____________________...
Laser Mayhem - Rayman Legends
Platform: PC, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita. Please read the channel description..
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