Renekton Vs Vladimir Top Lane Commentary Season 6 League of Legends
Schalke04's League of Legends - Team! | Commentary | Gepatcht
Ich versuche jedes meiner Videos so perfekt wie möglich zu machen und bin deshalb wegen jedem Like und Abonnenten dankbar. Meine Videos mache ich mit Spaß, was das w...
JAX JUNGLE 6.10 ft KcoTer -Live Commentary l League Of Legends
Live Commentary for first time. I am playing jungle jax , building Bloodrazor and hextech. Please Subscribe to my channel I can't wait to have my new pc and the best...
Trundle Top - League of Legends - Full Game Commentary
So a little late, but at least it's not a month, right?:d Please don't hate me:(. If you enjoyed this, please like and subscribe, it really helps me out. Runes: flat...
RAGEBLADE SHYVANA JUNGLE - League of Legends Commentary
Here is some gameplay of the new Shyvana in the jungle. I played her with the new bloodrazor and the new rageblade. Check out my other videos if you like this commen...
League of Legends - Tryndamere Top - Full Gameplay Commentary!
Playing as a passive top lane Tryndamere in League of Legends. Leave a Like and Subscribe. Check out my channel:.
Karma ONE FOR ALL - Full Gameplay Commentary | League of Legends
If you enjoyed my content, subscribe for more. Game info:. - Patch 6.9. - Server: EUW.
League of Legends - Taliyah Mid - Full Game Commentary
Let me know what you guys think about the new champion. Hope you guys enjoy, make sure to leave a like as well :). 2nd Channel:.
League of Legends - High ELO Commentary - IMT Huni Jarvan Top
The legendary top laner for Immortals playing as AD Jarvan in the top lane against the reworked Vladimir. Man this guy can dunk for days. Feature Points Referral Lin...
League of Legends - Mid Talon Gameplay Live Commentary
Hey guys, its been a while since I've put up some League gameplay. So here's a game I recorded a few days ago, hope you enjoy. Also I streamed recently and played so...
League of Legends - Ezreal URF - Full Game Commentary w/ Brian
Stay in Base, Never Leave. Playing League of Legends Ezreal URF. Masteries: 18/12/0. Runes: AP Quints, Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, Mr Glyphs. Please comment below...
Pentakill 2.0 - Garen VS Cho'Gath - League of Legends Live Commentary
When one penta isn't enough, you just get another one, right. |--| Ok not exactly especially because it's unofficial, but still, it's a penta, I'LL TAKE IT!.
League of Legends - Blucian ADC | Full Game Commentary w/ Friends
Runes: 1x Crit Chance Mark, 8x AD Marks, 9x Armor Seals, 9x MR/Level Glyphs, 1x Lifesteal Quint, 2x AD Quints. Masteries: 12/18/0 (Thunderlord's for more Blue).
League of Legends - Elderwood Bard - Full Gameplay Commentary!
Playing as the support Bard in League of Legends. Leave a Like and Subscribe. Check out my channel:.
League of Legends | Escape from elo HELL!! | Ep. 01 | Twitch Gameplay Commentary
this is the first video to this series. trying to get out of bronze. Comment, like and sub to stay tuned!!.
CAN WE JUST FINISH ALREADY!? | Shen Top Full gameplay | League of Legends Commentary
Hello Ladies and Fellas. So I am back with another full gameplay. Actually miss doing these since, it takes so much effort to continually talk to the camera. Another...
Shaco Jungle - Full Gameplay Commentary | League of Legends
If you enjoyed my content, subscribe for more. Game info:. - Patch 6.9. - Server: EUW.
League of Legends - Hextech Annie Mid - Full Game Commentary
This Annie skin is obtainable exclusively through crafting, you need to obtain 10 rare gems in order to get it. We are almost at 50,000 subscribers, make sure to lik...
League of Legends: Taliyah Jungle - 3/4/4 (Full Game Commentary) !!
This champion seems to be okay but some tweaks to her kit would be welcome. Something just. doesn't work. But anyway, we did okay for our first game with her. Could...
League of Legends Ranked as Volibear Jungle: Commentary with friends
Playing League of Legends ranked with my friends. |--| Silver Elo fun for all..
Brand Jungle - Full Gameplay Commentary | League of Legends
If you enjoyed my content, subscribe for more. Game info:. - Patch 6.9. - Server: EUW.
League of Legends | Twisted Fate Mid Full Game Commentary
Hey guys. Sorry about the poor quality. I am working on a fix to that for the next video. Anyway, hope you enjoy the video anyway..
League of Legends | Victorious Morgana Mid - Full Game Commentary
If you enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like rating. Thanks guys. Get your Custom Computer Here:.
League of Legends - PROJECT: Fiora Top - Full Game Commentary
Soooo Fed. Let me know what you guys think about the new Fiora skin.Hope you guys enjoy and if you are new to my channel please leave a like and subscribe. Let's hit...
League of Legends - Volibear Support - Full Gameplay Commentary
Playing as the support Volibear in League of Legends. Leave a Like and Subscribe. Check out my channel:.
Nasus Full Game - League of Legends Gameplay Commentary
Playing Nasus, the beautiful dog-man, top lane after my Teemo gets banned out. Witness DaSticks get flamed by his team-mates. Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release].
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