Skill sEmerson Lucian ADC League of Legends Skillteamtb
League of Legends - Lucian [BR: 6.10]
~~~~~~~~ Leu a Descrição, Ganhou um Doce ~~~~~~~~. PC bonito e barato é na AlphaPCS:.
Let's Play: League of Legends #1 Lucian
Willkommen zu einem neuen Projekt, ich wünsche euch viel Spaß mit diesem Video..
Salut à tous. On se retrouve pour une vidéo sur League of legends. Laisse un like, un commentaire et abonne toi. Merci à Auroniz pour la miniature et bannière. Mon...
League of Legends - Lucian ♥ EP. 1 #Rumie
♥ Hola. espero que les haya gustado, dejenme sus comentarios y opiniones abajo, si te gusto el vídeo compartilo que me ayudaría muchísimo. Hoy les traje una partidit...
League of Legends | How to carry with Lucian !
Here are some montage's of my gameplays. Elo: Platinum 3. Runes/Masteries: Enjoy !.
League of Legends, Lucian (Titan)
A crazy game with Lucian, one of my favorite champs. Plot twists, breathtaking moments and intense action throughout the game!.
League of Legends Lucian- Braum is gg
Hi people, i am silver but it's happy .D. Si tenes alguna duda solo decidla, tambien agradeceria alguna critica o alguna recomendacion :D.
League of Legends Gameplay. #1 Lucian ADC
Hello guys its Brian and again and today we are doing something interesting today. I'm play League of Legends and this game was so weird. But anyways if you guys wan...
THIS IS NOT LUCIAN SPOTLIGHT | League of Legends 6.9
This is my first Video playing League of Legends, so I wanted to show you some plays with Lucian. Actually I'm smurf from Platinum. I'm playing on my smurfs accounts...
Lucian Plays - League of Legends
Please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you haven't already. It really helps me out a lot :). Thanks for watching. |--| -RyanVanIlle.
League of Legends Normals : Lucian ADC #1
Just a League Normal with Ash and Will (Ashurri and Trandunz). I went 21/3/10 (I know right :D) and basically destroyed the other team. Dominating in lane and not ev...
Lucian | ADC | - Ranked - (League of Legends)
Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this video. You guys might have noticed but, this is my first video. So please share this video. Also please Subscribe, like, and of cours...
League Of Legends | Lucian Highlights #2
League Of Legends Lucian Highlights. I hope you guys enjoy and comment below !. |--| Send me your plays: ____________________________________...
League Of Legends (Lucian Montage)
Trying out the new Lucian build for the first time. Thought I'd just ''montage'' it XD. Hope you enjoy ~.
Braum with Lucian - League of Legends
Please Subscribe and Thank you for watching my videos. BRTLM Moments. Subscribe.
LUCIAN URF - 100% DE CRITICO - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
GOLDEN AP LUCIAN - League of Legends
Trying out some AP Lucian, hope you guys enjoy make sure to leave a like and subscribe. Song used: Killercats - Kaibu [NCS Release]. K-391 - Summertime [Sunshine]. K...
KOREAN BUILD LUCIAN | League of Legends
Alot of you have requested me to do this, so i did it. Hope you enjoy.
Korean Lucian Build Youmuus Black Cleaver League of Legends Gameplay. 'Like' if you enjoyed
Korean Lucian Build ADC | League Of Legends
º ͜ʖ ͡º) PREMIOO PREMIOO!!( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º). Bueno no premio pero leeme!. |--| Un buen like por la nueva y destructora build de lucian. Suscribete y te pago una ronda XD....
LUCIAN KOREAN BUILD - League of Legends
I tried out the Korean build on Lucian. These games were played in low elo (gold 3), but still its obvious that the items are strong on him. Thank you for watching a...
3000 Likes and I will become a Lucian toplane OneTrickPony. |--| When a 2/10 Rammus can 1v1 you, you know your bruiser lucian build must be amazing. Check out my las...
League of Legends - LUCIAN ADC GAMEPLAY - SEASON 6 [PT-BR]
AZUBU: BREVE. TAGS (IGNORE): lucian adc gameplay season 6 league of legends cblol s6 s mitando filho do brtt.
League Of Legends - Lucian ADC vs Jhin - New Build.
Salut, am postat un nou clip cu League Of Legends. |--| Ma poti ajuta apansand butonul de like. |--| Ma poti ajuta cu un share ca sa vada si prietenii tai. |--| Poti...
Lucian Destroys Nasus ! (League of Legends)
Lucian is one of my favorite champs in league and i wanted to see how it would go playing him top lane. As you'd expect from a beast player such as myself i made it...
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