[Hearthstone] Mage vs Mage Control Battle
Where I've arrived with my original control mage deck in a few days. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Tempo Dominance In Arena
How the tempo game in arena may have a small shift in the future with The Grand Tournament. Twitter:.
Coaching Hearthstone #1 : Tempo Warrior
Après une pause suite à l'annonce du format Standard, nous retrouvons Bloopy et ses séances de coaching. Cette fois, il vous présente un deck Tempo Warrior, un deck...
[Hearthstone] Dragon Warrior #1: Going Tempo
Make sure to also follow on. Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thijshs. Twitter: www.twitter.
Hearthstone Poradnik - Tempo Warrior
Siemanko, tutaj L0gopeda. Zapraszam na krótką prezentację decku z nowego dodatku Whispers of the old God's. Talia to Tempo Warrior z nowymi Kartami. Zapraszam i Pozd...
Hearthstone: Kolento plays tempo warrior (#72)
Kolento plays tempo warrior on EU ladder. If you wanna support Kolento then please make sure to follow him on:. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Twitch:.
Hearthstone gameplay 1.rész Tempo warrior
Sziasztok!Hearthstone gameplay 1.rész ahol tempo warriorral játszok,jó szórakozást!.
Hearthstone: Standard Tempo Warrior Deck Testing
Tempo Warrior is a mix between an aggro and mid-range deck. So far with the addition of Ravaging Ghoul and Blood to Ichor this deck performs extremely well. Subscrib...
Hearthstone: Tempo Dragon Warrior#1 (Standard Format)
Hey guys thanks for watching my first standard deck testing. Please give me feedback and tell me what you want to see from this channel i will be uploading once a da...
Hearthstone - Esse deck é roubadasso!!! (Tempo Warrior)
Confiram também a página da Panda Gaming, a maior organizadora de eventos de HearthStone do Brasil :.
HearthStone ITA 45 # - Standard MAGO tempo YOGG-SARON - s26
00:00 - Partita vs Shamano. 3:32 - Partia vs Ladro. 10:54 - Partita vs Paladino. 19:09 - Magic Moments!. BORN2BURN!!. |--| ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. SEGUITECI ANCHE...
Hearthstone Deck Introduction: Tempo Warrior [Powered By G2A.com]
Tempo Storm is a professional esports organization featuring some of the best players and casters in Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, The Fighting Game Community (F...
Tempo Warrior by Sjow [Standard] - Deck Spotlight - Hearthstone
Sjow piloted this deck to the top spots on the Legend ladder in both North America and Europe simultaneously. Decklist:.
HearthStone [ITA] 45/1# Mago Tempo Yogg-Saronn, serie di vittorie
00:00 - Partita vs. - Partiva vs. - Magic Moments!. BORN2BURN!!. |--| ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. SEGUITECI ANCHE SU:. Facebook ➞.
Hearthstone Nauka: Tempo Warrior - Budowa talii, Poradnik
Poradnik jak złożyć talię Tempo Warrior i jak nią grać.
Hearthstone [Let's Play/german] Zurück aus dem Urlaub!! [ranked] #320
Hearthstone [Let's Play/german] Zurück aus dem Urlaub!. [ranked] #320. Veröffentlichung: 8.04.16. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft ist ein Sammelkartenspiel von den...
Hearthstone [Let's Play/german] ganz schön wild!! [ranked] #336
Hearthstone [Let's Play/german] ganz schön wild!. [ranked] #336. Veröffentlichung: 09.05.16. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft ist ein Sammelkartenspiel von den World...
Hearthstone: Special full golden tempo rogue swag Vs Zetalot! (I love gold)
My own creation from Hearthstone beta, really fun deck to play sometimes and works, if you get the right cards :). Song: Klaypex - Shotgun.
192 Chromaggus ~ Ranked play ~ Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft Blackrock Mountain
This was my biggest creature in ranked play to date. Bonus lightwell game afterwards. Additional Wowhobbs links. Twitch.
LAST GAME TO 2XLEGEND | Road to Legend #27 | Let's Play Ranked [Hearthstone Deutsch]
Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem neuen Video ihr schönen Burschen. Schaut mir zu bei meinem 'Road to Legend', viel Spaß.
Hearthstone S27 #1 ZOO MAGE!
For my virgin climb of season 27 I decided to give Kripparian's "Zoo Mage" deck a shot. Turns out it's preeeetty good ;). In the end we went 14-8 with the deck. Skip...
Hearthstone - Ranked Play - N'Zoth Paladin (Standard Mode - Whispers of the Old Gods)
Next - SOON. This is my coverage of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft and the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion from Blizzard Entertainment. Watch it, enjoy and don't...
Let's Play Hearthstone [German/Deutsch] Ranked Season 26 #01 - N'Zoth Control Paladin
Hearthstone Season 26. Deckliste (N'Zoth Control Paladin):. Forbidden Healing x 2. Equality x 2. Doomsayer x 2. Wild Pyromancer x 2. Acolyte of Pain. Aldor Peacekeep...
HearthStone - Priester PvP - Runde 14 - Das Flüstern der Alten Götter! - HearthStone Let's Play
Das vierzehnte Video über den direkten PvP-Kampf gegen andere Spieler im Eins gegen Eins. Runde 14 für mein HearthStone PvP Let's Play. Das neue DLC - Das Flüstern d...
Hearthstone #2- Using Freeze Mage!
Join the Holy Clan by:. [NEW] Being a member of The Holy Clan Community Group.
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