TrentoVision 10 22 13 Saba Ahmed the Muslim Republican
Saba Ahmed running for US House District position #1.
Saba Ahmed explains why she is the best candidate for the US House District position #1 for Oregon. Her speech was presented before the Washington County Public Aff...
Saba Ahmed on The Real Story w/ Gretchen Carlson 12.3.15
Saba Ahmed, founder and executive director of the Republican Muslim Coalition, discusses the San Bernardino shooting..
Saba Ahmed | Candidate for Newham Young Mayor 2013
Saba Ahmed is one of twenty candidates running for Newham Young Mayor in 2013. Voting takes place Wednesday 23 October 2013 in local schools and colleges, as well as...
Saba Ahmed on MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart 12.9.15
Saba Ahmed, executive director of the Republican Muslim Coalition, reacts to Donald Trump's call to ban muslims from traveling to the United States..
The Glazov Gang-Islamic Lobbyist Saba Ahmed vs. Ex-Islamic Imam Mark Christian
The Glazov Gang-Islamic Lobbyist Saba Ahmed vs. Ex-Islamic Imam Mark Christian on “Ben Carson and Islam”. |--| Saba Ahmed (Islamic Lobbyist, Republican Muslim Coalit...
Trump seeks Republican leaders support
To endorse or not endorse. That's likely to be a question uppermost on many Republican party leaders minds, when Donald Trump heads to Capitol Hill to meet GOP leade...
New reality: Changing of the guard at the Republican Party?
Is Donald Trump now the titular leader of the GOP. The debate continues on 'The Five'.
The real story of Donald Trump meeting Republican leaders
'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 5/12.
Muslim Gives Presents To Homeless For Christmas
I know a lot of YouTubers do giveaways but for me I really wanted to do something for people that needed it the most this Christmas. Life is unfair on homeless peopl...
Trump: Banning Muslim Immigration Is 'Just A Suggestion'
Remember this. "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our representatives can figure out what the...
Brigitte Gabriel Educates Moderate Muslim
Brigitte Gabriel Response To Moderate Muslim Receives Standing Ovation During Benghazi Panel.
Trump not ruling out special ID for Muslim Americans?
‘Act for America’ President and CEO Brigitte Gabriel and CLAL President and Co-Founder Rabbi Brad Hirschfield on the Syrian refugee crisis. |--| Watch Charles Payne...
Vlog 6: Muslim Women who DON'T wear hijab/ A dream I had
So it's kind of unfair how muslim women who do not wear hijab get criticized, and it is also unfair that muslim women who wear hijab get judged. People who do that n...
Muslim near death experience sees Jesus (Isa) becomes Christian Pt 1
Part 1. A Muslim man living in Toronto Canada has a near death experience and sees Jesus or Isa. رجل مسلم يعيشون في كندا تورنتو لديها تجربة الموت القريب ، ويرى يسوع....
Katrina Pierson w/Hysterical Muslim; Don Lemon; CNN; 11-23-2015
Donald Trump's spokesperson Katrina Pierson joins hysterical Muslim Dean Obeidallah and leftist Ryan Lizza on Don Lemon's CNN show. Obeidallah says he fears for his...
Hannity Brings Bullied Muslim Student On For More Bullying
"The Muslim law student who posed a question at a conservative panel on Benghazi this week appeared Thursday on Fox News' "Hannity," where she was confronted about w...
Witness Says Muslim Who Stabbed Multiple Women 'Was Shouting About That Lee Rigby'
This horrific story is ignored because the knifeman was Muslim. Worse, every single media outlet (including the one at the Weekly Standard that posted this video of...
You know what time it is.... Gaming with Ahmed.
In this video,I played CoC. I went on raids for THAT LOOT y'know. I found a lot of rushed bases,especially that th9 I found. Otherwise hope you liked the video remem...
Donald Trump Full Interview With Greta Van Susteren 5/11/16 Talks Tax - Muslim Ban - VP Pick
Donald Trump indicated on Fox News tonight a willingness he hasn’t expressed before to go back on his Muslim ban idea as soon as possible. Greta Van Susteren brought...
Dean Obeidallah and Sam Harris on CNN with Don Lemon talking anti Muslim comments by Ben Carson
Dean Obeidallah and Sam Harris on CNN with Don Lemon discussing anti-Muslim comments by Ben Carson.
Muslim American Leader Condemns Paris Terrorist Attack, Calls for Action
Muslim American groups have been nearly unanimous in their condemnation of the Paris attacks by IS. But one group - the Republican Muslim Coalition - is calling for...
Muslim woman called a "Terrorist" AMAZING father of a Soldier stands up for Muslims
Would You Stop discrimination. An actor portraying a veiled Muslim woman is refused service and racially abused in front on onlookers. What would you do if you saw a...
Well that was embarrassing.... Playing ROBLOX With Ahmed
Hey,welcome back guys,haven't made a vid in a long time. I was playing Mad Games in this vid. I really was chatting to much. my bad. otherwise. ..Remember to leave a...
Building The Underground Palace! Part 3. Gaming With Ahmed.
In this video,I played Minecraft Pocket Edition. This will be the last part. Hope you liked the series. Remember to leave a like and subscribe. Otherwise,Peace!.
Muslim Man Encountered with Jesus and Saw Jesus in the Throne of Heaven - Kamran
This is a great testimony from Muslim who had an actual encounter with Jesus. And Kamran could also saw Jesus was sitting in the throne in heaven through his vision....
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