Veigar GP mid URF League of Legends
Computer Specifications:. CPU: Intel Core i7 4930k. - Cooler: Corsair H80i. MB: Asrock Extreme 11 X79. RAM: Corsair 32 GB DDR3-2400 ( 4 x 8GB ). GPU: ASUS nVidia Ge...
Mi ez a Veigar?? | League of Legends #11
- Egyéb információk:. ● Outro zene: Spag Heddy - It's Me. ● Videó felvevő: Nvidia: Shadowplay. ● Videó szerkesztő: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015. ● Headset: Ozone Rage...
League of Legends | URF | Lux - Gaç Veigar Gaç
URF modunda Lux oynadım. Umarım beğenirsiniz, iyi seyirler. Abone olmak için tıklayın.
Let's URF! - Veigar #1/5 - League of legends
Just playing some URF, was thinking of trying Veigar in URF after rework, since he can get alot of AP if the abilities hits the enemy champions..
League of Legends URF Veigar
game of league of legends ultra rapid fire which is where cooldowns are reduced by 80% and this was my 1st time as veigar.
League Of Legends Veigar Top #1
Galera Meu 1 Video Espero Que Gostem Esse E Meu Sonho.
Throw.Thi 18+ cầm Ryze combo như tool
- Throw Thi cùng trâu quẩy rank Việt. |--| - Ấn Đăng kí để xem được nhiều video hơn về LMHT nhé..
League Of Legends [1] - "Ryze" To The Challenge
15 Likes, And Ill Record Another Episode. Whats up Guys, Today Me and My Friend MrNooblies Play Some League. I'm So, So Sorry For Not Uploading in a While. I've Been...
Killing Ryze With Smite (visual bug)
So I used my ult to kill Ryze under turret but it replaced my ult animation with Smite. I didn't notice it at the time, but you can see the buff above my abilities t...
League of Legends - Platinum Ryze
LIKE because you love taking advantage of people who forget a champion was strong. Question of the Day - Which champion do you think will make an LCS appearance. Let...
Ryze in a Nutshell [League of Legends]
Enjoy my Ryze Mechanics (Kappa). Player(s): Me (Smurf). Premades: Lefanor,Anis is Love,RashPlay. Music : Distrion & Electro-Light - You And Me (feat. Ke'nekt).
U.R.F Match 1 With Ryze/League Of Legends
./´¯/'. '/´¯¯`·¸. ./¨¯\. ..('(. ¯~/'. _.·´. BROFIST. ..Thanks for da like ★~(◡﹏◕✿).
League of Legends {Епизод 1} Ryze/Mid
Име - TheBeginWorld. Регион - EU Nordic & East. Аз съм L-o-L Bulgaria това е канал направен за League of Legends и се надявам клиповете ми да ви харесат..
SPOILER: Noobices de montão nesse vídeo. Eae galera, esse vídeo aqui é uma gameplay de League of Legends, em que estou usando o campeão Ryze no Top Lane!. Esta um po...
Froggen and his 1334 AP Veigar - One-shot everything!
AlphaDraft - Play Fantasy League of Legends for Cash & Prizes:.
New Veigar OP | League of Legends Montage
After this change he now stacks Ap so fast and his ultimate execute damage is insane. Song: SunnYz - Victory. ▼ SunnYz.
Veigar Mid Lane - Full Gameplay
Lets Play League of Legends Veigar Mid. Geilofamily ♥.
World record: 31071 AP Veigar
Veigar gets 1 AP for every small unit he lasthits with his Q, or 2 for siege minion or champion, and another 5 if it's a champion. Veigar Q's every minion and we als...
League of Legends gameplay [Veigar]
Translation: tu eres basura (Spanish) = you are trash (English)..
League of Legends gameplay [Veigar]
I like how this Lulu still has 0 kills at the end of the game while I can one-shot the ADC. All thanks to Wukong's early ganks, man..
League of Legends: Veigar Бешеный маг
Продолжаю осваивать League of Legends спасибо за просмотр и поддержку стараюсь для вас. Подписывайтесь на канал, ставте лайки, раслабляйтесь и ждите следующие видео.
League of Legends Gameplay - Veigar - MID
Anther League of Legends gameplay !!. Instagram @elbacgames. Twitter @elbacgames.
League of Legends (Veigar ad time!)
Does Veigar hunt your dreams to. Mail:
League of Legends Veigar Montage
Hello everyone. It has been a while x.x. I figured this would be a great way to really come back into putting out content on this channel and yeah. It took me quite...
Veigar One Shoot - URF League Of Legends
Jugando una partida casual de URF con amigos, estaré usando a Veigar en la linea de bot, espero que se diviertan con las manqueadas. Canal de Ezau8D:.
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