battlefield 4 multiplayer
Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer Review - Does Crime Pay?
Hey guys today we are going to take a look at the multiplayer component of BFH. OriginPC:.
Battlefield 4 - Test-Video zum Multiplayer-Modus
Ist Battlefield 4 mehr als nur ein Update zu Battlefield 3. Im Test-Video zum Herzstück des Spiels, dem Mehrspieler-Modus, zeigen wir, was sich seit dem Vorgänger ge...
Battlefield 4: Best Assault Rifle
Thick goes over what he thinks is the best assault rifle in Battlefield 4.Tell us what your favorite is and make sure to stay after the credits to see what really fu...
Battlefield 4 - "RFB" DMR In-Depth | Weapon Review (Quality Test)
▶ Review Roundup:. - A balanced DMR with reasonable accuracy and recoil. |--| - Appreciable fire rate in class. |--| - The velocity has now been increased to 600 m/s...
Hardline Deluxe Edition Guns Reviewed - L85A2, ACWR, CAR-556 | Battlefield Hardline Gameplay
Hey guys today we are going to take a look at the 3 Assualt Rifles you get in Battlefield Hardline Deluxe edition. Sponsored by EA RONKU. OriginPC:.
All Nine Maps Of Battlefield Hardline
Hey guys today we are going to take a look at all the BF Hardline maps and what we know about each one. OriginPC:.
10 Things Hardline Does Better Than Battlefield 4
Hey guys today we are going to discuss 10 thing that Battlefield Hardline has done to improve the player experience over Battlefield 4. OriginPC:.
Battlefield 4: Юмор, приколы, фейлы! :D #2
Другие прохождения на моём канале:. Угарные монтажи по garry's mod - Сhivalry medieval warfare - Cities: skylines - Star...
I Love Standing & Gaming - Uplift Desk Office Upgrade
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LevelCap's Best Games Of E3 2014!
Best Of E3 2014 List:. Star Wars Battlefront. Destiny. Star Citizen. The Division. Shadows Of Mordor. Assassins Creed Unity. No Man's Sky. OriginPC:.
The Best COD Has Ever Been - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Hey guys, today we're going back in time about 8 years to COD 4. The hundreds of hours I put into this game were well worth it as the title is still amazingly fun ev...
Squad Up LOLs - We Can't Take This Game Seriously
Squad Up - I Wasn't Even Trying | Battlefield 4 Teamwork Gameplay.