Dudley and Destiny - The World's Happiest Cow Couple
Dudley and Destiny are residents at the Gentle Barn, a sanctuary in Tennessee. They are two individuals who clearly share an incredibly tight bond. This is the story...
Let's Play The Sims 1 - Part 12 - New Roomate!!
We're finally moving out. But with who?. Let's connect. So we can get to know each other better!. SUBSCRIBE To Stay Updated.
Let's Play The Sims 1 - Part 11 - Doodley Sucks
Newsflash!. You guys decide who's in the fault here. Ian for being dumb, or Casey for not letting him know. Let's connect. So we can get to know each other better!....
Let's Play The Sims Bustin' Out Part 6 - Sweep or Swim?
Yup, I'm back, baby. And with some recent, random positivity that came into my life as of late (which turned out to be a negative later lol), I was finally motivated...
Let's Play The Sims 1 - Part 8 - Stripper Party
The R Button!. Press the R Button!!. I NEED THE SPEED I LIVE FOR THE SPEEEEEEEEDD!!!. Let's connect. So we can get to know each other better!. SUBSCRIBE To Stay Upda...
Let's Play The Sims 1 - Part 10 - Killer Gnomes
I don't know what my life was before these pink flamingos. Let's connect. So we can get to know each other better!. SUBSCRIBE To Stay Updated.