games workshop
Games Workshop Tutorial: How To Paint An Age of Sigmar Ogroid Thaumaturge
In this painting tutorial I show you paint the Ogroid Thaumaturge from the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game using the Citadel range of paints to do so. Don't forge...
Games Workshop's New Product Line - White Dwarf #122
Unboxing Hobby Tutorials and Instructions. First Look Airbrushing Battle Reports. Rob Baer Kenny Boucher. Total war descends on White Dwarf this week – they’ve got t...
Games Workshop Actually Does Something Right?
Be a part of The Warmaster 40K community and share your army experiences HERE:.
Games Workshop Tutorial: How To Paint Age of Sigmar Kairic Acolytes
In this painting tutorial I show you paint the Karic Acolytes from the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game using the Citadel range of paints to do so. You can support...
Spartan Games: Planetfall Dindrenzi vs. Sorylian [TB-TV Folge 53]
Vor einigen Wochen waren die Jungs aus Hildesheim von der Phalanx89 bei uns und haben neben Firestorm Armada auch Planetfalls gespielt. Das wollen wir euch natürlich...
Choose Your Weapon Gaming News #208 (Woche vom 23. - 29. Mai)
(Woche vom 23. Wir bringen euch die neusten Gaming News, Releases und einen Einblick was momentan in der Indie Welt so abgeht. Duskers.
Warhammer Quest - Part 5 - The Axe of Slicing
We're back to some Warhammer goodness, this time in Warhammer Fantasy setting. We will be playing through the iOS version of Warhammer Quest, which you can also play...
3 Hab Block Varients by Mad Gaming Terrain
This is a short video that runs through how different 1 Hab Block can be if you were to have multiple sets of Hab Blocks..
Silver Tower Rules & Game Play WD #120 Warhammer Quest
Checkout how the new Warhammer Quest game plays in this weeks White Dwarf. Help us go AD FREE on YouTube in 2016.