hearthstone c thun warrior
Hearthstone: Always Lucky (C'Thun Warrior)
Top Deck Brawl, WE GOT THAT. |--| Win That Brawl, YEAH WE GOT THAT. |--| Go Face For The Win, WE DID THAT. twitch.tv/bofeity.
Hearthstone: C'thun Warrior Deck Testing 1.5
C'thun Warrior is performing very well on ladder which is quite exciting as Warrior is Rob's favorite class to play. Here's our deck testing of C'thun Warrior, expec...
Hearthstone (Old Gods): C'Thun Warrior - Rooster Plays... [Standard Season 26]
In this episode:. The new slowest of the slow control decks, in two exciting mirror matches. (ResidentSleeper). 00:25 vs. N'Zoth Warrior. 28:08 vs. C'Thun Warrior. I...