league of legends random ranked solo q bard support
League of Legends - Ranked | Support | Taliyah | Full HD | CZ |
Vítám vás u svého dalšího videa. Doufám, že se vám bude líbit a že si ho užijete :), omlouvám se za špatný zvuk, pokazil se mi mikrák a musel jsem zvuk nahrávat kame...
League Of Legends Teemo Support Game Play (Ranked) #7
(Steam Group). League Of Legends. League Of Legends Ranked. League Of Legends Platinum. League Of Legends Chogath Game Play Ranked. League Of Legends Cho'Gath Game P...
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Leona support gameplay
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Leona support gameplay.
League of Legends BLITZCRANK Gameplay German Support ranked | S6
League of Legends BLITZCRANK Gameplay German Support ranked | S6. guide, german, gameplay, skins, champion spotlight, world championchip 2015, pentakill, rework game...
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Super awesome game as a support
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Super awesome game as a support.
| League of Legends | Ranked (Parche 6.9 - Plata I) - EP.53 - Zyra, el Support más broken
Muy buenas a tod@s, os presento la que va a ser la serie de Rankeds de SoloQ, DuoQ de éste año, el 2016. TWITTER: @MirphyrosGaming. TWITCH: twitch.
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Brand support , meci lejer
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Brand support , meci lejer.
Lets Play League of Legends #151 Teemo - The Season 4 Support [HD] [RANKED]
League of Legends: Teemo Support Guide. ➔Wollt ihr mit spielen. Joint meinen Chatroom: pwnie. ➔Wenn euch das Video gefällt, dann bewertet es doch bitte positiv und l...
[League of Legends - Gold ] Support Big Play (Ranked Game) - Wuzzuppp
[League of Legends - Gold ] Support Big Play (Ranked Game) - Wuzzuppp. Game: League of Legends. Author: KweeneJezi.
League of Legends - S Rank Support Sona (Ranked - Win) 2016 Season
Whaaaat- Oh nevermind you guys know the drill. Here's a relatively decent Sona game-play video. Jinx and I pretty much walk all over the competition and I learned th...
League of Legends - Carry me, Senpai! - Support - Ranked - Gameplay German Deutsch
Heyho Leute,. Zeit für eine weitere Runde League of Legends und Zeit für Spaß. |--| Heute haben wir Verstärkung vom Johnknacker (.
Road to Gold! :D Ranked Solo Queue - League of Legends
CURRENT ELO: SILVER 2 0LP. |--| Road to Gold. :D Ranked Solo Queue - League of Legends.
Road to Gold! :D Ranked Solo Queue - League of Legends
CURRENT ELO: SILVER 3 90LP. Road to Gold. :D Ranked Solo Queue - League of Legends.
Sion vs Irelia Ranked Solo Q! Rank S- - League of Legends
Top Lane battle Sion vs Irelia Ranked Solo Q. Rank S-. Current Elo: Silver 3 35LP.
LIKE PARA MAS VÍDEOS SUB COMENTA LIKE PARA MASSS :D. ¡Envíame tus mejores jugadas o "trolleos" imposibles para salir en el canal. si quieres salir en un vídeo de jug...
Road to Gold! :D Ranked Solo/Duo/Dynamic Queue - League of Legends
CURRENT ELO: SILVER 2 17LP. |--| Road to Gold. :D Ranked Solo/duo/dynamic Queue - League of Legends.
I hate Shen - League of Legends Ranked Solo Queue Highlights
This is my first time playing against a Shen as Renekton, and I really do not like laning against him. twitter:.
Ashe ADC - Full League of Legends Gameplay [German] Let's Play LoL - Solo Ranked #235
Marodeur Ashe als AD Carry auf der Bot Lane S6. League of Legends Season 6 Ranked Game im Solo queue. Full LoL gameplay/guide mit Kommentar auf deutsch/german. Ashe...
Gameplay ranqueada de League of Legends com a Nami Suporte, duo com o TK. Esse vídeo é um highlight de uma stream. Quer Monitorar seu PC enquanto Joga. Faça o Down...
Bard Support Runes/Masteries S5
Stream: twitch.tv/peacealien. twitter: @peacealien -- Watch live at.
League OF Legends Ranked #1 Fiora solo top s5 Penta Kill? Fiora build
➚Nome steam. joaopereira21. ➚Nome PSN. jocatope. ➚Nome no LOL. PereriaGames ou PereiraGamesPT. ➚Skype. jotappp10. ➚Não percas nenhum video.
Bard OP? (League of Legends)
Thanks for watching my first video. Here is the music info:. Music at Bard Q Count: (provided by Construct Productions).
League of legends #7 bard
best bard euw ist aufgenommen worden, diese folge ist es hoffentlich besser mit dem mic als letzte folge. habt noch schone Pfingsten ;). PC Daten:. CPU: Intel Core i...
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10 Quad Queue Rank Plat 3 Smurf. Starburts (Mundo). Arkan1st (Veigar). Demon King Anima (Nocturne).
CLG Aphromoo Season 6 Solo Queue as Blitzcrank, Bard Full Stream
Game 1 Bard vs Thresh - 20:46. Thanks for watching. |--| We aim to upload LoL Pro Vods every day in the exact(best) quality they were streamed in. We organise the vi...
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