Game Theory: Luigi's SECRET Identity (Super Paper Mario)
Mario is mental, Peach is a dictator, Toad is a brainwashed monster, and Bowser is a struggling dad. That leaves sweet and lovable Luigi on the chopping block. But s...
The History of Splatoon - A Brief History
After dominating the gaming market place for nearly a decade, many people were beginning to feel that the first and third person shooter genre was becoming stale. Sh...
If a Fear Bar was Added to Minecraft
CAMERA/EDITING▼. FuzzyPandaXD. SET DESIGN▼. AdvanceLAMP. FuzzyPandaXD. ACTING▼. AdvanceLAMP. Pop42. GrimEpp. Chech out my buddy RagingNado.
If an Undo Button was Added to Minecraft
CAMERA/EDITING▼. FuzzyPandaXD. SET DESIGN▼. AdvanceLAMP. FuzzyPandaXD. ACTING▼. AdvanceLAMP. Pop42. TheCornCrafter. dark2310d. ♫ Sound Effects.
Game Theory: The Hunt for Super Smash Bros. LOST STAGE!
Ever wanted to visit a stage from Super Smash Bros in real life. It might be more possible than you think - provided you aren't trying to visit final destination. I'...