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Bulba [7905 MMR] VS Cr1t- [7866 MMR] - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2401884711. Limmp Timbersaw. Cr1t- Riki. Bulba Weaver. Midone SandKing. 7uckingMad Crystal Maiden. Misery Puck.
ilidanSTR [8840 MMR] VS Matumbaman [7967 MMR] - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2392838276. Matumbaman - Slark. Mag - Centaur. ilidanSTR - Faceless Void.
Universe ft comewithme VS Vroksnak ft Puppey - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2379871509. Universe - Axe. Comewithme - Dazzle. Vroksnak - Clinkz. Puppey - Disruptor.
canceL^^ [8235 MMR] - Broodmother VS Arteezy [8436 MMR] - Invoker - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2379912884. canceL. Broodmother. Matumbaman Lifestealer. Mind_control IO. Bulba Doom. Artezzy Invoker.
Arteezy [8383 MMR] - Invoker VS OG.Moon [7484 MMR] - Alchemist - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2372147445. OG.Moon - Alchemist. OG.Fly - Night Stalker. Badman - Morphling. Arteezy - Invoker. OG.Cr1t- Phoenix. 7uckingMad - Rubick.
EE-sama [Friend VS Friend] Arteezy - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2369847047. Arteezy - Lone druid. EE-sama - Slark. Vroksnak - AA. Oxn - Queen of pain. 7ckingMad - Phoenix.
#Team [A]rteezy VS #Team [U]niverse - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2368412361. #Team [A]. Arteezy Invoker. n0tail Faceless Void. goddam Disruptor. #Team [U]. Universe Slardar. bignum Phoenix. 7ckingMad Elder Titan.
No[o]ne [8561 MMR] VS canceL^^ [8265 MMR] - Dota 2 The Epic Battle
id match : 2366023919. No[o]ne NP. canceL. Tinker.
Miracle- Dota 2 : Shadow Fiend Vol.4 - [Middle] Dagon and Pipe ???
id match : 2410882978. Miracle- ShadowFiend. Fly Riki. Moon Enigma.
Arteezy - Dota 2 : Invoker Vol.2 - [Middle] Can you fight
id match : 2404082416. Arteezy Invoker. Bulba Broomother. Misery IO. Saksa Lion. Matumbaman Queen of Pain. Aui_2000 DrowRanger.
KP.canceL - Dota 2 : OmniKnight - [Middle] Can Omni Mid ?
id match : 2388300223. canceL. - Omniknight. Matumbaman - Slark.
AdmiralBulldog - Dota 2 : Phantom Assassin - [Carry] Crit Hack/Script is REAL - Fullgame
id match : 2383283813. Admiralbulldog - Phantom Assassin.
EternaLEnVy - Dota 2 : Nagasiren - [Carry] Fullgame - 41min 650LH 972GPM
id match : 2372602935. No[o]ne Puck. EE-sama Nagasiren.
No[o]ne - Dota 2 : Rubick - [Middle] Rubick Mid, why not ?
id match : 2372170518. No[o]ne - Rubick. Arise - Juggernaut.
Dota 2 reborn 6.87 C patch. 9000MMR MIRACLE BEASTMASTER Performance. BAD START GOOD FIN.