nerdist news
Will Daenerys Targaryen Become the Villain of Game of Thrones? (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)
We’ve heard of Mad Kings on Game of Thrones, but what about a Mad Queen. Jessica explains (with SPOILERS) on today's Nerdist News. Do you agree with our theory. Let...
What Bran Stark’s New Power Means for Game of Thrones! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)
Game of Thrones has been full of magic lately and we got another glimpse of that yesterday, but what does it mean for the series. Jessica looks to the future (WITH S...
Pokemon Sun and Moon Trailer Breakdown!! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)
Pokemon is dropping another game and we got our first glimpse today of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon thanks to a trailer. Jessica breaks it down and has a GIVEAWAY on...
What Hodor's Big Reveal Means for Game of Thrones! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)
Hold the door and try to hold your tears because we are recapping Game of Thrones and looking to the future. Jessica is full of SPOILERS on today's Nerdist News. Wha...