PREMIÈRE VIDÉO SUR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, AIMEZ, ÇA SERAIT GENTIL, TRÈS GENTIL (tu pourras encore plus. rigoler. sur les prochaines vidéos)..
Let's SMURF #07 | 4er-DynQ auf Smurfs | League of Legends | Let's Play | Deutsch / German
Hey, willkommen zu einer 4er-Dynq auf Smurf Accounts. Lief ziemlich durchwachsen das Game, auch war mein Editing nun wirklich nicht gut xD Naja was aber rausgekommen...
Let's Play League of Legends- Zed Mid auf einem Smurf Account - Ranked
Let's Play League of Legends- Zed Mid auf einem Smurf Account - Ranked. Elo : Silber 2.
League of Legends S6 Sivir Smurf Normal Game 3/1/10
If you enjoyed this video leave a Like and if you want more content from me please click on that Subscribe button ;).
Trust me I am "Smurf" - Episode 1 - Hecarim - Pilot [WDL gaming]
Send us suggestions or videos. Tell us what you think. TMIAS is focused on gameplay by "smurfs". You all had this type of players in your games :D This is us first e...
Let's SMURF #06 | Edit. Gameplay | League of Legends | Let's Play | Deutsch / German
Joa, 2 Bugs/sehr komische Hitboxen in einem Game - kann man mal machen :D. Let's Play League of Legends [German] [DEUTSCH] Thresh. Habt ihr noch Kritik / Verbesserun...
Let's Play League of Legends- Ahri Mid auf einem Smurf Account - Ranked
Let's Play League of Legends- Ahri Mid auf einem Smurf Account- Ranked. Elo: Silber 4.
League of Legends S6 Jinx Smurf Normal Game 18/14/9
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Channel Update - Want your games reviewed? Unranked to Diamond soon!
Hi guys, just a little update about the direction the channel is heading in. |--| Email for Vod reviews:
League of Legends - Ekko Top - Słabiutko
Siemanko. Tutaj L0gopeda i zapraszam na kolejny odcinek z League of Legends. Dzisiaj Ekko Top na SoloQ. Zapraszam i Pozdrawiam. Słabiutka gra w moim wykonaniu ale co...
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10 Quad Queue Rank Plat 3 Smurf. Starburts (Mundo). Arkan1st (Veigar). Demon King Anima (Nocturne).
League Of Legends Bard Support Patch 6.10
League Of Legends Bard Support Patch 6.10 Ranked Plat 3 Smurf. Trio Queue. Arkan1st (Veigar). Demon King Amina (Graves).
League Of Legends Sona Support Patch 6.10
League Of Legends Sona Support Patch 6.10 Ranked Smurf Plat 3 Quad Queue. Arkan1st (Jinx). Starbursts (Veigar). Demon King Anima (Zac).
League of Legends: I GOT REPORTED! (Ep. 3)
I am so bad at League of Legends I got reported lol.. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY BEARD FOR MORE.
League of Legends: WORST LEAGUE PLAYER EVER? (Ep. 2)
Am I the worst League player that has played the game. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY BEARD FOR MORE.
League of Legends Morgana Support Patch 6.10
League of Legends Morgana Support Patch 6.10 Plat 3 Smurf Rank Quad Queue. Starbursts (Maokia). Arkan1st (Veigar). Demon King Anima (Nidalee).
3 Schlümpfe in der Schlucht - League of Legends | JupitarTK
Das ist mein erster kleiner Zusammenschnitt eines LoL-Spieles. |--| Es ist nicht viel aber es sollte reichen, wenn das Volle Gameplay noch erwünscht ist lade ich es...
League Of Legends #6-U.R.F Lucian Op
English: Hey guys. There is some clips with plays i made with lucian on urf. I hope you all enjoy. Portuguese: Boas Pessoal. Têm ai uns clips de algumas plays que fi...
Unranked to Diamond With Joe - Placement 1: Ezreal ADC - Full Gameplay Commentary
So it begins. Playing League of Legends as Ezreal. Masteries: 18/12/0. Runes: AS quints AD marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs. Sign up for Lootcrate:.
League of Legends: ALMIGHTY SAAC IS MY MENTOR! (Ep. 1)
Super Duper Saac mentors my rookie skills during LOL.. He couldn't take it any longer during the end. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY BEARD FOR MORE.
TYLER1's BRUDER?? Veigar mid Montage [League of Legends] [HD]
Hey Leute, ich habe mich dem Spiel League of Legends gewidmet. und kam zum Entschluss, dass es cool ist. |--| Ich werde wöchentlich 2-3 Let's Plays bringen, wo natür...
Let's Play League of Legends (#32) - "Die Varusschlacht" - ARAM
Heute mal ein kleines ARAM auf dem Main Account um mal wieder ein paar Infos rauszugeben. Twitter:.
SMURFING NEEDS TO BE CHANGED (League of Legends Rant & Gameplay)
TD;DW: I think it should be more difficult to make an account, which will in turn make it more difficult to make new accounts that are separate from your main accou...
19-0 Game with Lucian
A Normal game that I played with Lucian, pretty good mechanics, everything went well for me. Audio won't play, don't know why. Pretty sick outplay at 20:30 ish -- Wa...