League of Legends - Ep.11: Jinx jinxed
League of Legends - Ep.11: Jinx jinxed. This seemed to be a perfect match from the beginning until the throws and bad plays came in. Enjoy a match with highs and low...
League of Legends - Ep.12: Stunningly Taric
League of Legends - Ep.12: Stunningly Taric. In this match I dwelve in the art of supporting with a fabulous champion. It went badly at first, but once I got a grasp...
League of Legends - Ep.10: Jungle-ish Nidalee
League of Legends - Ep.10: Jungle-ish Nidalee. Okay, I'm not a good Jungler, but when I was asked by my teammates to be a Nidalee Jungler, I knew I will be the worst...