uol vs s04
S04 vs UOL, Game 2 - EU LCS 2016 Summer W1D1 - FC Schalke 04 vs Unicorns of Love
S04 vs UOL, Game 2 - EU LCS 2016 Summer W1D1: FC Schalke 04 vs Unicorns of Love. Picks & Bans: 6:02 Game Start: 13:09. Interview: 41:22. Esports on demand. Find our...
FC Schalke 04 vs UOL Game 2 Highlights - EU LCS Week 1 Summer 2016 - S04 vs UOL G2
Unicorns of Love vs FC Schalke 04 Game 2 Highlights - EU League of Legends Championship Series Week 1 Summer 2016 - UOL vs S04 G2. PLAYLISTS (Games in order they wer...
S04 vs UOL Highlights - FC SCHALKE 04 vs UNICORNS OF LOVE Game 2 EU LCS Week 1 Summer 2016
UNICORNS OF LOVE (UOL) Fizz Vladimir Ekko. Maokai Vizicsacsi TOP LANE. Kindred Move JUNGLER. Azir Exileh MID LANE. Ezreal Veritas AD CARRY. Trundle Hylissang SUPPORT...
FC Schalke 04 vs UOL Game 1 Highlights - EU LCS Week 1 Summer 2016 - S04 vs UOL G1
Unicorns of Love vs FC Schalke 04 Game 1 Highlights - EU League of Legends Championship Series Week 1 Summer 2016 - UOL vs S04 G1. PLAYLISTS (Games in order they wer...