Call of Duty "Open Lobby Livestream w/Subscribers!?"| Black Ops 3 Multiplayer Fun!
What do Donations do. Donations are accepted and highly appreciated, but they are optional. If you guys feel like helping support the channel a little bit more, this is one way to go. Also when you place a Donation the name of the Donator and the amount he/she donated will be shown live on stream. Other than that guys I am just glad to have you guys here to watch the stream :D. *Rules to the Stream!*. *NO* Bullying. *DO NOT* Spam. *DO NOT* Self-Advertise (Shoutouts may be given depending on the Subscriber/Viewer). *NO* Spoilers (If caught spoiling a scene for any type of game or movie, it will be resulted in *BAN*. *DO NOT EVER* Talk Trash or hurtful words towards anyone in chat. |--| 6. *DO NOT EVER* Harass anyone in the chat, if caught doing so will be resulted in being banned from the channel (This also loses your privelages to be able to talk with me through chat in streams). |--| 7. *HAVE A GREAT TOASTY TIME!* (Just enjoy yourself while being here in the stream). **FOLLOW THESE RULES AND YOU'LL BE PERFECTLY FINE!**.