China's love affair with World of Warcraft | Short News

Summary of news on 'China's love affair with World of Warcraft'. Source: BBC. Hollywood film Warcraft will have its global premiere in China next month, in what is the culmination of a decade-long love affair between the world's most populous country and one of the most popular online games of all time, writes the BBC's Tessa Wong. The love story between China and WoW is one of perseverance, as the game's popularity has soared despite deep government suspicion prompting heavy controls, according to tech blog Engadget. Chinese players had to make do with a special version of the game with its violence, gore and even character design toned down. Operation of the game in China was originally in foreign hands, but it eventually was bought over by Chinese company NetEase. Perhaps unsurprisingly there is also a knock-off Warcraft movie - this month, a Chinese-produced movie called MyWoW will open in cinemas ahead of the official film..

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