Release: 2014. Developer: Bungie. Publisher: Activision. Action role-playing first-person shooter. One1handgamer: My Destiny Gameplay of Exotic Farming. Destiny the game is available for the following consoles: Xbox 360, Xbox 1, PS3, PS4. All gameplay is done on Xbox1. My Complete Destiny Gameplay Walkthrough will include a Commentary or review/summary, All Story Missions In Campaign mode, Classes and Subclasses including perk tree, Basic Character Creation, Favorite Weapons and Armor, Raids such as Vault of Glass, Kingsfall, Loot Caves and Engram Farming spots I have found, and the Cinematic end of the Destiny Single Player Story Campaign. Plot Summary: Destiny is set in the 28th century in a vivid post-apocalyptic setting. Human life had spread from Earth and now humans started colonizing the Solar System with the help of a spherical entity known as "The Traveler" teaching humans the use of new technologies and mystical powers called the “Golden Age”. "The Collapse", which was a planned attack from the Darkness, we then saw the colonies slowly start to fade from existence and left mankind close to extinction. The survivors of the Collapse are those living on Earth in the last city in “The Tower”, who were saved by the Traveler. The “speaker” along with the guardians protect the city and hope to begin colonization again but have to survive the current battle first!!. Raids: Vault of Glass, Crota's End, Kingsfall. Expansions: The Dark Below, The Taken King. Most Recent Update: April 12, 2016. Characters Types: Human, Awoken, Exo.. Classes and Subclasses include: (Hunter – Gunslinger, Bladedancer, Nightstalker), (Titan - Striker, Defender, Sunbreaker) (Warlock: Voidwalker, Sunsinger, Stormcaller). Transportation include: Ships, Friendly and Enemy Vehicles, Sparrows. Items include: Armory, Consumables, Emblems, Ghost, Materials, Mission and Shaders. Weapons include: Primary Weapons, Heavy Weapons and Special Weapons, Swords, Exotic, Rare, Legendary. Armors include: Helmet, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, Leg Armor and Class Armor. Enemies include: Fallen, Taken, Cabal, Vex and Hive. The Solar System and Main Menu includes: Earth, The Moon, Mars( Phobos), Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Europa, Dreadnaught. Destiny includes:. Story Campaign Mode: 1-6 player activities, Missions, Sidequests, Raids, Strikes, Farming, Quests. Daily and Weekly Strikes, Nightfall. Crucible Mode: (PVP)Player vs. player gameplay, team or individual. Public Event: Group based event randomly throughout gameplay. Prison of Elders. This video will show you How to Get Exotic Engrams in Destiny. I will show the most effective ways for How to farm Exotic Engrams in Destiny..