World of Warcraft: Drunken questing

Welcome to the stream. I'm a easy going guy but I do have some rules so we can get along better. They are:. No anti race jokes/comment in the chat. I don't mind helping you advertise for your stream, but don't just blurt out your channel and yell for subs. At least talk with us, hang for awhile. Making friends gives you more subs. Blurting out you channel and leaving will make sure people will not go to you channel. Don't insult each other or try to pick a fight with people. I like a casual hang out type of stream but that prevents others from having fun. This is a adult oriented type stream with adult humor. However there will be times where this will become kid friendly. When this happens it will be in the title of the stream and would want you to respect the toned down nature of the stream when this happens. If you have a problem with another person in chat, rather then attack the other in chat, please let me know personally. Please speak english. It is not against your race or ethnicity. I only speak english and only understand english. I want to make sure we all can understand and communicate with one another. If the rules are broken, it is a three strike rule. First is a warning, second is a timeout, third is a ban. If you are banned for a false or a mistake reason as it does happen, contact me via the various contact information set ups I have in the main channel description. I will look into the reason why you are banned and talk to said mod to find out why this happened. If the reason is sound the mod's decison stands. Mods will not tell you why you were banned either just to keep the chat clean. |--| Contacts for me are:. Facebook:.