In this place that we, the youth, created. SK Telecom T1's coach used to be Startale's jungler, he also used to play Starcraft semi professionally under the name 'Pretty Boy'. Bengi and Mata were both on an amateur team together but they failed to qualify for OGN and then disbanded. PoohManDu competed in OGN in an amateur team called GSG. Imp and Homme had many losses and struggled before they won OGN Spring 2013. Looper played in the World Championships as his first event and performed OK. Impact used to play for Xenics Storm as a support player and he was pretty unsuccessful. Faker and Piglet were both yoloqueue superstars before SK Telecom T1. Faker crushed soloqueue and Piglet couldn't handle loss and rejection (he was rejected by CJ Entus famously). from Ann Prag on Reddit:.