Minecraft Mod Showcase Roleplay - MUTANT CREATURES MOD! (Custom Roleplay)

SkyDoesMinecraft is with RagingHouse and today they are going to be reviewing Mods. Actually, SkyDoesMinecraft was planning on showcasing this by himself at his private cabin. Somehow RagingHouse discovered where the cabin was and he decided to make himself at home. Not only that, RagingHouse also seemed to know about SkyDoesMinecraft’s secret basement science lab. SkyDoesMinecraft shows off his area and within the area is a box that reads chemical x. Chemical x is the substance that builds mutant Mods. SkyDoesMinecraft and RagingHouse find an Enderman and throw some of the chemical x on it to create a mutant Enderman. A mutant Enderman is like the normal Enderman and normally neutral unless looked at. Sometimes it will randomly be angry and attack. These creatures also have different attacks. If its hands are free it can use them to use a melee attack. The inner arms deal 4 hearts of damage while the outer arms deal 4 hearts of damage. The mutant Enderman can carry up to four blocks and throw them at you. This attack can deal 3-4 hearts if hit directly and 2 hearts as splash damage. RagingHouse hits the Enderman in the gut and now the Enderman is after RagingHouse. One of the ways that RagingHouse can buy some time from being attacked by the Enderman is Scream. If fought in the rain the mutant Enderman will still take damage like a regular Enderman but increases a chance of a scream. The scream deals 2 hearts of damage ignoring armor. Also, it stops the rain. As for clone tactics, the mutant Enderman can spawn eight minions to attack you. It will also disguise itself a one of them although it will be larger. Clones deal 0.5 hearts. The mutant Enderman will deal 3hearts and heal itself for 1 each attack. On top of all that, the mutant Enderman doesn’t just tele itself but can also teleport you. It can tele you in to the air dealing 3 hearts of damage and fall damage. Sometimes you can get nauseous as well after being teleported. Now, if you killed the mutant you need to be careful because it will shoot out Ender soul fragments that can explode. This will blast you and deal damage. If you do happen to destroy one of the Enderman you can earn 8 Ender pearls or 8 Eye of Ender. You can also collect Ender soul fragments before they explode. SkyDoesMinecraft and RagingHouse will go through and explain all of the mutants including the mutant skeleton, mutant zombie, mutant creeper, and mutant snow golem and spider pig. Thanks for watching this Minecraft Mod Showcase Roleplay Mutant Creatures. Be sure to comment down below if you would like to see more Roleplay Mod showcases like this. Don’t forget to slap that like and subscribe button. We’ll see you later recruits!.

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