Biggest Fear, Beef with SSSniperWolf & Gaming Setup | WeGottaSituation Q&A #2
*Questions I didn't answer in the video*. Asked by Livin4LifeTV. Q: Do you listen to Lil Uzi Vert. If so what's your favorite song by him. |--| A: Haven't heard of him, but I'll check him out. Asked by gaming god. Q: Have you met a modder in GTA V who does money drops. |--| A: Nope. Asked by Henry Brown. Q: When you were a kid where did you see yourself now. And where do you see yourself in 10 years. |--| A: Finished with high school, probably in college getting ready for the real world. And in 10 years. chasing my dream. Asked by hydro phoenixflare. Q: What's a better name Hydro Phoenix Flare or Neon Deffusion. |--| A: To be honest they BOTH sound clean, but if I have to choose I'll say Neon Deffusion. Asked by Bat Tv. Q: When are you going to live stream on GTA with Bulls. |--| A: My internet isn't the best to stream with, but I'm down to play GTA with Bulls whenever he streams. Asked by AKACOBRAS_GT. Q: Are you doing more gta videos. |--| A: Yep. Someone has to keep the streets clean ;). Google+:.