Hearthstone Gold Farming (100g / h) Guide

In this Guide i will show you the easiest way on how to farm gold, collect the cards the fastest way and learn the game faster. I build this guide in a way that you , as a beginner, learn the game very well , while getting the most cards,dust and gold in the fastest time possible. |--| A friend of mine did it with this " guide " and he had a complete mage deck with around 15 expert cards and a good strategy within 4 1/2 hour while playing it for the first time. You get your achievments in the right order , and get some facts about the arena system. This is not a solution on how to earn nonstop gold, just a way that i wanted to highlight wich makes it much easier for new players to headstart into the game. Song: Professor Kliq - Satellite. Licensed for non profit and free to share !.
