Grand Theft Auto V - Animated Parody

Full with. Part 1 - Music Montage - Up to (03:15) (Feel free to skip if your not the music person). Part 2 - 'Meanwhiles' Parody. Join the trio of probably the biggest coming since the N word was invented. Cast:. Main Characters. Michael - Guy with blue suit. Franklin - Black guy with blue shirt. Trevor - Balding guy with white shirt. Supporting Characters. Amanda: Woman with pink hat. Patricia: Old woman with pink clothes. Ifruit girl: Bikini girl. Jimmy: Fat guy who always dies. Lamar: Black dude with fro. Chef: Bald guy with glasses. K: Tortured guy. Friedlander: Afro dude drawing d*cks. Solomon Richards: Old director guy. Others. N*gga who stole the bike. Saints Row Chef - Final part of torture scene. Saints Row President - During dream sequence. Zombie Cosplayer - Killed by Leon. Leon: Kills zombie cosplayer. The Dog: Franklin's talking dog. Aiden: Guy hacking the website, guy with cap and mask. Big Smoke: All you had to do is to make a description. CJ: guy on bike. Slenderman: Random guy hit with lazer. Nico Bellic: Guy beat up by golf clubs. Easter Egg Randoms: (can you find them all). Big Foot). (Coming Soon). Easter Egg Icon References: (from objects up to cameos). Phreak cameo on bar scene). (Coming Soon). Director Notes:. Feels good doesn't it. |--| 1. We really went improvement from here ever since the Saints Row 4 Parody, Graphics are now a huge haul together with art style and backgrounds, I mean look at dem birds at the end sunset scene. |--| 2. We Tried to not fully cover the game's storyline because we might spoil the great game for PC players, so we just managed to compile the missions and the fun parts. Have fun with all the Jimmy death montage. Director Favorites:. CJ Scene. Random Jimmy Death Moments. Please Son. |--| 4. N*gga Concert. Your a hipster aren't you Trevor?.

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