WoW Gold Farming Patch 6.2.4: Pickpocket Gold Making - Loaded Gnomish Dice Farming - WoD Gold Guide
Hello and welcome back to another World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor gold making video. Only rogues can do this farm as you're going to need to pickpocket mobs. The loaded gnomish dice is a toy which sells very well on the vast majority of servers, the reason for this is mainly due to the fact that to farm this item you need to have access to a rogue which consequently excludes a large portion of potential competition making the demand for the item much higher than the supply. Be sure to use the macro I showcased in the video as it will speed up the amount of pickpockets per hour significantly. Macro. #showtooltip Pick Pocket. /cleartarget. /console targetNearestDistance 10.000000. /targetenemy [noharm][dead]. /console targetNearestDistance 14.000000. /cast [harm,nodead] Pick Pocket. /cast Burst of Speed. Addons. Cross Realm Assist.