Loot Gaming METRO Unboxing - Loot Drop

I've unboxed a lot of Loot Crates over the last few years, and seen the service evolve from a single monthly crate of collectibles into a multi-headed hydra of cool things to blindly get. First Loot Crate added Loot Anime and Loot Pets, and now there's Loot Gaming, too. I received our first Loot Gaming crate, April's METRO crate, and once again Loot Crate's genre/medium theming abilities are strong. The METRO theme is pretty obvious: cities. There are lots of significant cities in video games, even if you just narrow them down to modern-day American metropolises. And there's a hint of future and retro cities too, thanks to Mirror's Edge and Bioshock. The create includes a Bioshock 2 t-shirt with the buildings of Rapture forming the outline of a Big Daddy. It looks cool, even if Bioshock 2 was the weakest of the three games. For more wearables, the crate also comes with a blue S.T.A.R.S. knit cap from Resident Evil (Raccoon City) and a rubber digital watch from Mirror's Edge (Unnamed Fascist Dystopia Future City). I couldn't get into The Division (New York), but I really like the little plastic assault rifle from the game that's included in the crate. That's because it's a USB drive. The magazine pulls out to reveal a 16GB flash drive, and it comes in a nice tin. Lastly, a metal sign/print from Fallout 4 (Boston). It shows the Survivor and Dogmeat walking through the ruins of Boston under a Nuka Cola sign. It's a metal sheet instead of paper, and has four holes so you can hang it up. It looks nice. Like regular Loot Crate, Loot Gaming has its own monthly pin. It's not enameled like the Loot Crate pins, but it's very nicely molded with a dull metallic finish that makes it look coinlike. The METRO pin shows an art deco skyline. Subscribing to every Loot Crate at once would be ridiculous (especially with the announcement of the new $50/month Loot Crate DX), but if the METRO crate is any indication, Loot Gaming is just as vital a monthly box for gamers (who love to collect things) as Loot Anime is for anime fans (who love to collect things). Check out more on Geek.