Koro1 vs Bebe LoL All Stars LA 2015 1v1 Tournament Day 1

As we grow we want to give something back to our subscribers. When we will reach:. 1000 Subscribers we give away $10 in RP Winner "Wiener Niemals". 2500 Subscribers we give away 2x$10 in RP Winners "Aleksa Kovacevic"and "Nader Mohamed". 5 000 Subscribers we give away 5x$10 RP Winners "phate river", "CLG Scarra", "SunshineinBasictech", "Smith Johnson" and "SCGamingVN". 7 500 Subscribers we give away 7x$10 RP Winners “WellanGaming”, “SirPranc3lot”, “SS Hadow”, “Dns Markovic”, “Game Spirit”, “Michael Plangger” and “Patriotlzzy”. 10 000 Subscribers we give away 10x$10 RP Winners "blokpartygaming", "John Gro", "Im Godlike", "hahaownedlolz", "Prosporo Psix", "Abolyemen ZIZO", "dieter vd", "Kevin Shimp", "Jon Wilson", "Felipe Scalco". In order for you to take part in this giveaway you must be a subscriber to our channel. You have to have at least one comment on our videos. The more comments you have the bigger chance is for you to get the prize. When we reach one of our goals we will randomly select one comment who will get the prize. We will contact the winner personally and we will publish winners username in the next video we upload. Good luck.

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