Content creators thrive on feedback. |--| Leave a comment to join the conversation. Likes are appreciated and if you enjoy the content subscribe to my channel. Annie was also lightly changed so heres an update on her jungle clear. Not that i played her very well xD. I got you phone guys. |--| Blue: 0:10. Red: 2:48. Item: 5:06. Drag: 6:13. Conc: 6:48. Keep in mind these are done without a leash :). In these videos i show you the jungling starts of various League of Legends champions in a custom game. I do both blue and red side clears, and i try to get both buffs in the clear (As in if i start blue side in the clip I end killing red buff before changing clips). Then i'll show you the clearing with the jungle item before some of my conclusions on the champion based on the practice. Other Jungle clears:.