League of Legends Funnies and Fails! (Tower Diving, Missing CS, and more!) #bronzeIV
Thanks for watching this video. |--| Please comment, rate, and subscribe if you did enjoy. DISCLAIMER: Don't even say leafy did the disclaimer thing first, it was pyrocynical before him. Now on to the point, Do not go to other channels that I talk about in my videos and hate on their content. YouTube is a platform for anyone to show content that they enjoy making, regardless of what others may think. This site is meant for creators with opinions, cool content, funny videos, etc.. Just because I talk bad about their video, doesn't mean I hate their content or hate them. So please, don't go hating others video because you see them on this channel. Thank you guys for understanding:). Outro: LarsM & Side-B ft. Aloma Steele - Over (Dropouts Remix) [NCS Release]. Playlist:. Easiest way to contact me is through leaving a comment. |--| I check them at least 2x a day. Twitter:.