SEND ME YOUR FIGHTS:. Did you have a great fight that you are proud of. Maybe you were down on the score cards, getting anally raped and royally violated, getting punished against you will and then you regained your manhood and came out on top. |--| Maybe you were facing a typical Jon Jones style user who annoyed you to no end only to end up face down in the dirt after you brutally knocked him out. Well i would like to see it so send it in. - Record the Gameplay in HD. - Post to Youtube. - Send a link to of the fight to my Gmail. Don'ts. - DON'T tell me what happened in the fight, don't give me a hint at all. - Don't send me anything but ranked and Ultimate Team fights please. - Don't send me another players fight as your own. Martial Reacts Videos will be posted once a week every Saturday. I am eager to see your videos. Thanks.