Nope guys, I'm not dead. I still making Gmod stuff, but it was a bit slowy due to professional stuff, which can explain why I didn't made any videos since February. Not to mention I was out of ideas for a long time and drained by a huge Gmod project starring DK and that my computer was in repairing for almost 4 weeks!!. Also, this short video is a tribute to Joe Alaskey, who passed away last february. (The DK short I was working on was also a tribute to this wonderful voice actor, but it's so far on hiatus but still schedulded however.). I made a little shorter and less worked video, but at least, it's better than nothing. For this animation, for those who saw the movie, I've been based on the movie Planet 51, maybe a bit unoriginal, but heh, inspiration through films can help. Also a big thanks to Brewster T. Koopa for the Marvin model. |--| (No it's not on the Workshop or somewhere else on the net, and don't harrass me or him about it.). Anyways, hope you guys like it. Characters (c) their respectives owners.