If you like video games and mary jane, then you're in the right place. Gamers and Potheads united in showing their love for both. Gamer Potheads likes to acknowledge it's love for video games and pot but would also like to note that the page is always welcome to anything geek related. Video Games, Comic Books, Music, Movies, Action Figures, and so on. All this with pot just makes things better. Thank you for joining and we hope you enjoy the page. |--| You can find our admins on Xbox Live, The Playstation Network, and Battle.net through the following tags:. *Puttyman. PS3: Puttyman_. 360: I Puttyman I. PS3: VaultboyRR. Battle.net: VaultboyRR #1795. ( Weed, Marijuana, Pot, Pothead, Mary Jane, Video Games, Gamer, Gaming, Ganja, Wax, Cannibus, Kush ).