Break the Meta Ep79 - 'The Dream' Part 1 with Thresh & Fiddlesticks Bottom Lane
Welcome to Break the Meta. The point of this series is to have fun and play champions that are not usually picked for the position I'm playing. Hopefully y'all enjoy, come up with cool ideas and post them in the comments. No more polls for now. The interactivity was fun, but many times it was stressful (such as now) trying to make a champion that I did not know the playstyle for work in such a short time. I will be uploading champion builds and positions that I believe are viable and are often overlooked in place of the current meta. I had this awesome idea of having a lane with Thresh and Fiddlesticks, having Fid ult with the perfect Thresh engage with a latern bringing Fiddlesticks in to the middle of the enemy team. Well, that was the dream. maybe someday one of you can make it a reality xD. Please subscribe to the awesome guy I was playing with, Disciple.