Make sure to leave a LIKE. CAN WE GET 20,000??. |--| Bedrock and dirt are pretty much exactly the opposite of each other, but what if they were to switch places. How would Minecraft be if everyone lived on bedrock. If you enjoyed, consider leaving a LIKE. Leave your suggestion for future videos in the comments, I will pick one every week to make a new video of. If this actually happens one day. I think we would have to rethink who the real noobs are. Actors: Splix_, HotDog494, eryhaker98118, SuperPanada8072, Narfinator, olgkd123, Kybird123, danandbendudes, AssassinX050, RussianRaisin, ryantenerelli, eryhaker598119. SERVER IP: 2ND SERVER IP: Save 25% on MC Servers with the code "TNT" -.