Xur Location 5/27/16 / 5-27-16, 05-27-2716, 05/27/16. Quick video showing his inventory and location. Xur is currently located in a different spot this time around. he's in The Reef. He is currently selling. No Backup Plans - Titan Gauntlets - 56 Strength - 13 Strange Coins. ATS/8 ARACHNID - Hunter Helmet - 60 Intellect - 13 Strange Coins. Starfire Protocol - Warlock Chest Armor - 48 Discipline / 46 Strength - 13 Strange Coins. Bad Juju - 23 Strange Coins. Legacy Gauntlet Engram - 29 Strange Coins. Along with the usual Three of Coins, Glass Needles, Sparrow Upgrades etc.. This is for Friday 27th May, 2716. 05/27/2016. 27/05/2016, 27/05, 05/27, 05-27, 27-05 in Destiny The Taken King / TTK expansion. This is the Week 36 Xur for the TTK expansion / Year 2..