I HAVE TERRIBLE MEMORY!! | Minecraft Speed Builders!

Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today SkyDoesMinecraft is joined by Okward and House_Owner for his first ever Minecraft Speed Builder. The first round sees Sky trying to rebuild Tube Socks, and everyone makes it through to a Lollipop. Sky is terrified that he’ll be eliminated, but he gets 86% and Ross gets 91%, even though he just built a blob. Next is Creeper madness, and Idrys is having a lot of trouble (possibly because he’s dead inside). Ross gets a perfect build, but not in time for Sky and Idrys to copy him, and Idrys is eliminated. Next is T-Rex Rib Cage, and Ross quickly achieves a perfect build, followed by Sky. Next is W W W W, and Sky claims he’s got this just before immediately forgetting everything he’s supposed to do. Sky is predictably eliminated and Ross goes on to Mine O’Clock, claiming that he’ll win this for Sky and Idrys. Ross does not win. In the next game they start with Milk, Egg, Sugar, and Wheat, which is for some reason a hashtag. Sky does absolutely horribly, but luckily there are some other players who are worse. Next is Cake Display and everyone freaks out about cake. Ross doles out some wisdom, then they move on to We’re Rich – they all make it through to Ugly Steve, and Idrys is the first to be eliminated again. Up next is Headphones, and both Ross and Sky mess up, but Ross is eliminated. Sky ends up winning with Stone Tables, and that’s it for this Minecraft Speed Builder. Thanks for watching!.

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