This was one of the most sticky situation I been into. Hanging at 1 health for multiple turns. TurtleStrategy at reddit wrote an amazing anime script in response to this video so I copy pasted it to below:. (Spoilers. Watch video first before reading!). In the last episode of Hearthstone. AbunaiYo: "You really think you can defeat me boy. I AM ABUNAIYO. KING OF HEARTHSTONE. MUAHAHAHAHA!!". Ziss: "I. I'm not gonna lose!" I can't lose. I need to do this. For the future of our country and for master. Ziss: "D-Damn. He's too powerful!". AbunaiYo: "Fu fu fu. What are you waiting for. Make your play. Or are you so afraid you can't even move your hands?!". Present. Ziss: I'm at a huge disadvantage, but if I do this, I still have a chance. Makes the play. Ziss: "Yes. I have board control back. I can win this!". AbunaiYo: "Tsk. Your persistance is admirable, but none of your efforts can save you from your impending doom. HAVE A TASTE OF THIS. HOLY NOVAAAAA!!". Ziss: "N-No!". Kabooooom. Ziss: All my creatures are gone, and I'm at 1 point of health. What am I gonna do now?. "DAMN!". Ziss: "I'll just throw all my damage spells on you. HAAA!". Fireball, Arcane Missiles. AbunaiYo: "Still not enough. You're not powerful enough to beat me. Accept the simple truth and surrender already!". Ziss: "Uugh. " I guess I'm just gonna protect myself for now. There's still hope, I need to draw that card as soon as possible: Pyroblast. Sunwalker into play. Ziss: "C'MON PYROBLAST, I NEED YOU!". Draws Ice Lance. Ziss: No. This isn't it. "Crap!". AbunaiYo: "It seems I win!". Attacks with Sunwalker and Stormwind Knight. Ice Barrier activates. AbunaiYo: "Ha. Looks like your life will be prolonged by 1 more turn. I'm fine with this, but it seems that all your tricks have already been used, doesn't it. HAHAHAHAHA". Ziss: "Ok. One more time!" Where are you Pyroblast?. Draws Ice Block. Ziss: "Damn. But I'm still not finished!". AbunaiYo: "ATTACK CREATURES!!". Activates Ice Block. AbunaiYo: "Hmph. Seriously boy, your insistence starts to irritate me. Surrender, you have no hope of victory. All your friends have already been defeated and you're up against an impossible odd. Why prolong the pain of defeat when you can conceed and end this torment. GO AHEAD AND GIVE UP!". Ziss: "N-no. I can't give up!". Draws Blizzard. Ziss: AGAIN. Damnit. Is he right. Do I really have no hope. Should I really just conceed and end this. In his mind comes a distant ecchoing voice:. Master: Is this what you learned from our training. To give up?. Ziss: "M-Master!". Master: "Never Surrender" Ziss, that was our motto. Don't you remember. Ziss: "Y-Yes. You're right. Hope never dies!". Master: Good. Now play that Blizzard and draw the next card. Ziss: "Right!". Ziss: "On my turn, I play Blizzard. I'll survive for 1 more turn again!". Plays Blizzard. AbunaiYo: "Grrrrr. DAMN IT BOY. STOP WITH THIS WASTE OF TIME. SURRENDER ALREADY!!. NEXT TURN MY FROZEN CREATURES WILL BE ABLE TO ATTACK YOU. YOU'LL BE FINISHED. THERE'S NO HOPE LEFT FOR YOU. YOU - ARE - DEAD!!!". Ziss: "We'll see!". Passes turn. Draws Azure Drake. Ziss: "A-Azure Drake?!. Alright. I'll just play it. GOOO!". Summons Azure Drake, draws a card. Ziss: "I-It was not Pyroblast again!" This is Frostbolt "AM I DEAD?". Master: THINK BEYOND THE CARDS ZISS. THINK BEYOND THE BOARD. Ziss: *What can I do with the cards in my hand. beyond the cards. beyong the board. Ziss: I-I CAN SEE VICTORY. AbunaiYo: "Fu fu fu, It seems you've finally accepted the truth!". Ziss: "No Abunai, you're wrong!". AbunaiYo: "Huh?". Ziss: "Neither Victory nor Defeat are certain, at any point in the game. My Master taught me this. THE BATTLE ONLY ENDS WHEN IT ENDS!". AbunaiYo: "W-WHAT?!". Ziss: "TAKE THIS!. FROSTBOLT!!". CLING. Ziss: "FIREBLAST". BANG!. Ziss: "AND TO FINISH IT OFF. ICE LANCE". BLAAAAST!!. AbunaiYo: "N-No. THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!. THIS CAN'T BE!!. I CAN NOT BE DEFEATED LIKE THIS. I'M THE KING OF HEARTHSTONE!. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!". BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. AbunaiYo: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!". VICTORY!.