Ride to Hell Retribution Ep.10: Our First Threesome! - MetalMan Gaming

Jake gets ALL the ladies. Ride to Hell Retribution 1% is an Action Adventure, Magnum Opus, biker game. The protagonist, Vietnam veteran Jake Conway, must take vengeance on the Devil's Hand, a rival biker gang, for killing his younger brother Mikey. The gameplay is based on a third-person beat em up cover shooter system, masterfully intertwined with on-rails motorcycle chase scenes. Ride to Hell has some of the most three dimensional characters since Mass Effect 2, each with he's/her's own character arc. The game is also seen as very "progressive" for its stance on feminism. It also provides one of the most eye opening and sobering looks into modern biker life. It's Metacritic on the PC port stands at 16/100. Support Ride To Hell Retribution 1%'s developer here:.

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