Hey guys. Sorry that this was one day late. I Hope that you. Won't cry. Aarmau won't happen Sadly. (Not a part of it. Garrance and Tablemau all the way!). Clips:. Episode 81 S2 - Minecraft Diaries - His Choice +Extra+ Thumbnail looks like A portal behind a blonde person known as Garroth. He seems to be happy. Clips from the Youtuber:. Aphmau(Gaming). Song:. Sad Song - We The Kings. I'm so sorry for bringing the feels.. Stalk me. |--| @LovesLordAphmau. @HighSchoolLily. Tribute to Minecraft Diaries. SORRY. Aaron - "He sacrificed his life to save another life. Killing Zane in his very own hands, stopping him from his actions and evil deeds. We forever love you. You may rest in peace." -The Aphmau Fandom. Zane - "You were evil. But we love in MyStreet and in Phoenix Drop High. (School.) We hate you for your evil deeds in Minecraft diaries. We love you for being all 'I LOVE PONIES!' 'MY LITTLE HORSIES FO DAYZ!' We forever hate and love you in the same time. You may rest in peace." -The Aphmau Fandom.